“Disgraced lawyer Richard Merritt faces trial for allegedly killing his mother on the day he was supposed to report to prison for financial crimes in February 2019. Prosecutors allege Merritt brutally stabbed and beat 77-year-old Shirley Merritt to death after she cooked him his last meal — leaving plates on the table and pots on the stove. Richard was arrested and charged when US Marshals caught him eight months later in Tennessee living under an alias.”
Read more on the case and get live updates: https://bit.ly/45tpAn6
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He has to answer, too. god, I am glad justice was severe, and he not the street.
Goes to show you can’t judge a book by its cover . He even had his wife fooled. An evil narcissist
His voice sounds like our airport's, BNA (Nashville), main intercom voice that's projected ALL over the airport saying things like
"Would Fred return to terminal 9" OR doing an advertising clip on the overhead as well! I could not for the life of me figure it out and it was driving me crazy (I hate when you know & it's on the tip of your tongue but it just won't come out) I randomly jumped up from the bed & apparently yelled "Ahha" my husband thought I needed a priest for exorcism lol
Keith Morrison's, He is the correspondent that covers murder stories on Dateline, he is 76yo so it's time for him to retire. My vote is definitely for the foreperson this case's Foreperson would be ABSOLUTE PERFECTION! His voice is amazing! I listen to stories when I'm laying in bed w/my phone on my pillow so not watching b/c it's relaxing & I would listen to EVERY one, EVERY night even reruns lol! His voice is calming!! He should definitely have a job presenting murder case's & documentarys/Docu-Series w/ his voice it's the perfect combination of the depth of his voice along w/how smooth he reads w/o up & down volumes it's consistent!
I need him to make my voicemail recording lol
Thank God. Well done Jury. Justice for this swindling, murderous creepy narcissistic brute.
Scum bag. 2 men came they did it hogwash
O how sweet and sincere he sounds just before sentencing, doubt that's the tone afforded to his poor mother upon killing her.
2:39:31 the moment his acting career came to an end 😂
You say that life is a blessing RM, but you didn't see that your mother was worthy of the right to a blessing of life. Entitled monster.
All he cared about was himself, as it seems he always had. Oh woe is me, "no one has had any interaction with me"… But, not one word about his mother. I'm glad his family has abandoned him. It's what he deserves for doing such unspeakable evil to his loving mother. God bless her soul.
No sound
It seems like every other judge is female these days… Hm. I never knew that…
There was no other verdict that could have been reasonably reached!
I don't understand the sentence of "life plus five years, consecutively". Nor when it is "20 years to life". 🤯
He must have been on drugs.
Well that was very anti-climactic 🫣
Where do I find the interrogation video? This guy deserves what he gets!
He’s a spoiled brat. Just like Murdaugh.
They could not have picked a better foreperson to read the verdict. What a voice! Should be criteria to be foreperson😂
Hardly a word about the woman he killed but minutes upon minutes of how bad he’s got it now. Disgusting.
100% appropriate sentence for this pathetic excuse of a human being.
As an attorney I can't believe he thought a jury would believe that goofy story he gave. Then he got on the stand and told the story with a straight face..my goodness. Just go to jail
All the legal expertise in the world doesn't get you a "Get out of jail – free" card. Murder is just plain evil. You just don't kill your mother. Jackass.
Oh my goodness I love that guy's voice reading the well deserved verdict!
still can’t get over Merritt. Never apologized for killing his children’s grandmother. Statement was only about his financial crime “poor decisions”. I’m so angry.
I don't know what time he was spending for the financial crimes but how the heck did it escalate to murdering his mother and now will spend the rest of his sad life in a cell as some ones b!tch.