UNSOLVED: Kansas City’s Baby Lisa Irwin kidnapped, still missing – Everything Law and Order Blog

Ten-month-old Baby Lisa Irwin disappeared from her crib in the middle of the night in Kansas City, Missouri, on October 4, 2011. More: https://bit.ly/2WrcYLT


By elboriyorker


41 thoughts on “UNSOLVED: Kansas City’s Baby Lisa Irwin kidnapped, still missing”
  1. 🤔*B.a.b.y. LISA🐥🍼Was Transported🤔F.r.o.m. HER H.o.m.e.🏠By CAR🚗 Uhmmm*!!🤔B.u.t. A ReaL ABducter👹will not Drive H.i.s. CAR 🚗 InTo Y.o.u.r. YARD To ABduct👋👋 Y.o.u.r.🤔"BABY🐥🍼'FOR OBvious R.e.a.s.o.n.s.🤔 which is W.h.y. I KNOW IT W.a.s.🤨"JEREMY 🧔" Who ABducted H.i.s. Own "BABY🍼🐥" With H.i.s.🧔 "CAR🚗"🤔O.o.o.o.p.s.😁 I Better S.a.y.🤔: IN MY OPINION😁T.h.i.s. IS What H.a.p.p.e.n.e.d.*!!🤨Which IS Why "JEREMY 👷" Didn't G.e.t. HOME🏠For G.o.o.d. From W.o.r.k👷@10:00-pm L.i.k.e. HE ToLd🤔DEBRA HE WouLd🤨B.u.t. Jeremy Didn't G.e.t. HOME🏠F.o.r. Good🤨UntiL*4:00-am🕓 giving HIM👷T.h.e.🤔Opportunity TO S.a.y. That🤨When HE Came HOME 🏠 The BABY 🐥🍼 W.a.s. Already M.i.s.s.i.n.g.*!!🤨 *N.o.t. TRUE🤨*!! *Signed: CHIEF-CRIME-PROPHET.✅

  2. 🤔*I Do Not🤨BeLieve JEREMY🧔W.a.s. @ Work A.l.l. That TIME🤔UntiL🤨 *4:00-am 🕓*Bc: HE🧔Was Suppose To Be🤔H.o.m.e*10:00-pm ⏰*SO I Think HE🧔Came H.o.m.e.🏠TWICE🤨A.n.d. LeFt A.g.a.i.n. as part of T.h.i.s.🤔"BIG MESS" T.h.a.t. Surrounds The M.i.s.s.i.n.g BABY🐥🍼*!! *& As A matter OF F.a.c.t.🤨*I K.n.o.w. HE DID*!! *Signed: CHIEF-CRIME-PROPHET.✅

  3. I think you'll find her remains along the Missouri River farther down 210 past 4:35 right past the casino the handyman hung out there

  4. So, Sabrina Eisenberg, Deorr Kunz, Gabriel McQuery and Lisa Irwin. Mothers killing their babies, and getting away with it. Once they dispose of the child so it is never found, 100% success rate.

  5. May I wrong she's alive and in South Africa follow missing children in my country wish had the authority and power to do something…have sighted many but identify after on sights many people children and missing teenagers are sighted here must be underworld nett work I'm 100 per cent sure no doubt hope this finds you well will send and delete Swines..the West Rand and surrounding areas are rife with missing people children…it's out of proportion as lack of staff to staff to carry out investigations and gangsterism is rife very scary people…they reighn fear.. God bless don't know how they get from there to here…but have been sighted trafficking is rife here it's sickening…God bless guys.I believe in right is right but am not weary of these people as they will lash out at ones family I've lost three so understand my concern and they're pro at planting and blame game..God Bless but it's global..but this is a playground fake IDs etc ..

  6. damn im moving to Kansas City in 2 months lol. Super sad story, RIP baby Lisa. I definitely feel as if the mother knows…it doesn't seem like it was intentional but she did something and panicked… Regardless I hope they find her.

  7. I live in kc and lived there at the time. It was such a messed up horrible. Case I would say probably 80% people here think the mother did it.

  8. The Parents didn't do anything to their baby. Their cellular phones were took out of their home the same night baby Lisa went Missing and the man that did it called his girlfriend on the parents cellular phone and this Mystery man is the same man that was seen walking with a baby. His name was Jersey. The cops did a BAD job on this case. Just because a Mother drinks wine doesn't make her a baby killer. May God Bring Justice.

  9. I think that the mother sadly killed her baby and buried her somewhere,how could you not put a person who failed polygraph test,lied and changed many stories and first she isn't inoccent she is guilty,that kind of monster I woud put on a sentence without lawyer,and mother wasn't even tearful?!how is she heart colde to not cry? I fell so bad for the baby cuz usually baby's go missing for 18 to 30 years and have been found dead or alive..

  10. Horrible mom doesn’t deserve to have such a blessing beautiful baby! how didn’t she check on her baby all these hours? She just cared about her f*** drinking that night! She must have something to do with this or at least her carelessness caused the baby abduction!

  11. I would have got a lawyer too. The cops always focus on one thing and don't follow up leads. Their job is to close cases, they don't give a fuck about you.

  12. I hope they find her.Poor little girl taken from her own home.😢😢Is there an update? Lie detector is never correct and If is someone fails they take it correct and If someone passes it they say it's not correct.You can't believe the police.

  13. I was 13 years old when this was all over the news it was stuck in my head for almost 2 weeks I hope this young baby girl is found one day and this case can finally be closed…

  14. Does anyone know who the guy is in the grocery store video with her ? Then, I would ask does he look anything like the person carrying a baby that witnesses saw ?

  15. The cadaver dog smelled the scent of a dead body in mom's room. And then there's the predictable sighting of a "mystery man" in the neighborhood. I think it's very rare that someone breaks into a house and snatches an infant. Perhaps after seeing cases such as Susan Smith and Casey Anthony I am a skeptic but this something seems off about this case.

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