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Green black finds a cigarette.. kills his wife and lights the cigarette and leaves it on the fire extinguisher to leave false identity to throw off the investigation.. they don't know each other
Way to obvious… nobody is dumb enough to make that mistake
very poor police investigation. clearly
there was gun powder residue on his hands, why they didn’t arrest him?!
“You know what you are? Your the bunny rabbit!” Hilarious but don’t disrespect bunnies, they can be just as deadly
Matt found that cigarette, lit it and sat it on the fire alarm. It wouldn't take two people to kill her.
DNA is not always the end all be all…
I've seen updates on other shows,the dude with the cig butt on the fire alrm,Engle…was totally cleared. He delivered pizzas at that time and further review found that he had delivered in that complex on the night of the murder. Husband probably did it but no proof
that detective is a dick
How can someone swear on God and be lying
Love watching crime watch daily with Andrea and her thickness
I think it’s the husband and the guy who’s dna was on the cigarette had nothing to do with it. I think that he was delivering pizzas.
Does anyone else notice how Engel stammers and stutters when he's pressed? Yep, sounds like a man of God to me!
"Clams up" isn't exactly a fishing pun…but I'll take it.
As a man of my word and as a man of god …
Great, now we know he's a fucking nutjob.
Fokk the cops and hire someone !…
Lying like a rug? Oh I get it, rugs are on the floor.
Lousy DA and police work.
Someone like Matt would have no problem grabbing someone's cigarette butt and planting it as evidence to scapegoat some poor sap. Not saying that Richard is innocent but it's something to think about. Even if he and Matt were friends, Matt still would've grabbed Richard's cigarette butt to frame him.
Wow the husband is a “celebrity” in the fishing world? Seriously?? He’s a criminal murderer. Unbelievable!
As for the other guy… it is odd that a cigarette just happened to be right there for the police to find. It could’ve been planted by the husband but either way, I hope they can arrest at the very least that awful husband. I’m not understanding why they haven’t quite honestly. Why do they need to wait for a connection between the two men to make an arrest on the husband? He had tested positive for gun powder and clearly had a motive. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck… it’s a duck. Arrest that guy already. He has no right to live in a beautiful home with “celebrity” fisherman status.
why is this man not arrested with gunshot residue on his hand????? why wasnt that evidence on Cold Justice???
What if the lab or whoever handled the cigarette butts got them mixed up somewhere.
I dated this guy off and on for 10 years. I had no idea when I met him in May 2003 that it was just a few months after his wife have been murdered. It was only after 10 years of dating him that I Googled his name, because he was "oh so famous" as a fisherman, and came across these videos. Needless to say I was astounded! He is extremely controlling, which is why we dated off and on, however when I confronted him he had nothing really concrete to persuade me that he did not do this. I believe he did it with all my heart. Just ask his girlfriend Dianna. She knows more than she will ever say. His family has money, he has money, therefore he will probably never see the inside of a jail cell! This makes me sick to my stomach because Gwen was a wonderful person from what I can tell
Well, he is a delivery guy!! He was probably smoking after delivering a pizza in the same building. I’m a smoker, from now on I won’t throw a cigarette bun on the ground cause someone might get killed around there and I could get accuse of it.
Omg Andrea you’re the man!
It’s so obvious whenever someone says “no comment talk to my lawyer” and runs away from the cameras they’re guilty af
I remember watching this on an episode of Cold Justice.
What she said👇
Matt Greenblatt had his wife killed and is just living it up.. WTF is wrong with our system!!!! Killers just going free and DNA does not matter. Is this TX? Are you kidding me right now.
It would b very easy for Matt to set up Richard. Maybe Richard didn't smoke the entire cigg. Matt picks it up n puts it on the fire alarm after lighting it
andrea fine af
Damn Andrea!
That cop is a real character
Another case of OH TO BE WHITE!
That fucking pos has gsr on his hand. Prior psycho behavior when it came to her. Money motive. Cig butt with his DNA right by her door.
Investigators did a lovely job botching this case. And another violent murderer white man is free and clear, enjoying life.
DNA do not lie!!
These polices are dumber than a can of rocks…..
I love reading the comments after watching!! Thanks everyone
Lol damn Andreas wig is ridiculous.
That's just awful. R.I.P. Gwen. Has anyone heard if they have made any progress in this case?
I don't understand why police and prosecutors haven't arrested him, they have the evidence and false alibi etc. The other guy was delivering pizza and had nothing to do with it……once again No Justice. Blessings and Prayers to the family.
I watched the show Cold Justice and they did an episode of this case and they found out that the guy who's cig was there outside was his and he delivered pizza there to the neighbor. The neighbor kept EVERYTHING and had the receipt even years later. They took the receipt and found out he was the pizza delivery guy.
I bet his cigarette was planted
Chief Investigator Fraser accent is so freakin’ RI and he’s so dramatic…it’s so entertaining.
anybody could pick up a cigarette that someone just throws onto the street, flick the head off it, and relight it. i think the husband probably did that.
I believe the police focused on that 1 cigarette too much, they had evidence of gun residue on matts hand but yet he couldnt stick to one story on where he was that day and he still isnt held?
“He cries lawyer and clams up” 😂 anyone with half a brain knows not to talk to tabloids, they will twist every word to fuck you
Maybe he forgot about the cigarette and he was there visiting someone else
Aundrea really needs to stop wearing That Hideous wig
It's disgusting how the killers are able to live on without any punishment.