United Flight Attendant Gets Punched by Belligerent Passenger

United Flight Attendant Gets Punched by Belligerent Passenger

After a disagreement over a seat assignment, a passenger onboard a United Airlines flight ends up throwing punches at a flight attendant. The flight was heading from San Fransisco to Houston this week. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie breaks down what happened next.

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20 thoughts on “United Flight Attendant Gets Punched by Belligerent Passenger

  1. OMG!! 😱😱😱😱 This is so very bad like I couldn’t believe that the flight attendant just punched the passenger. I cannot believe this guys, I hate this.

  2. Bottom line is stop flying with cheap airlines.. you get what you pay for. It’s like shopping at Walmart, cheap people bound for something bad to happen. Charter a private jet and enjoy the peaceful flight.

  3. The passengers were the only ones trying to de-escalate the situation it was the flight attendants job he gets an F all he did was escalate it I heard his tone I heard his voice he got what he deserved you can’t treat people like that in the customer service field he eft his job and he eft the customers on the plane

  4. These flight attendants and customer service people are going to have to learn that they cannot treat people that way they cannot treat people disrespectfully and I don’t know what the situation was but I heard his tone and he needs to not have that tone he escalated they need to learn how to de-escalate a situation not escalate a situation and that is exactly what customer service representatives are doing everywhere they are escalating things when they should be de-escalating because that is their job to D escalate so that flight attendant gets an F I heard what he said and I heard his tone and he was asking for it so many people are standing up and not allowing this anymore and good for the guy that hit him maybe next time he’ll be a little more respectful to the people that are employing him if it wasn’t for those passengers he wouldn’t have a job so show some respect and do your job you should have consequences as well for not learning how to do your job and escalating the situation

  5. He should have to take a bus or walk wherever he goes!! My auntie is a Houston based flight attendant for United…. Totally unacceptable behavior. These people should have an FAA band no airline should have to put up with this. Feel most sorry for his wife. 😔! Imagine how often she has to deal with this.

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