U.S. Marshals on the hunt for fugitive murder suspect William Greer (Pt 3) – Crime Watch Daily

U.S. Marshals on the hunt for fugitive murder suspect William Greer (Pt 3) – Crime Watch Daily

With bulletproof vests on and guns in hands, U.S. Marshals act on a tip they have on William Greer, raiding the house he is said to be living in.

Full story: http://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/10/20/ride-along-with-u-s-marshals-on-the-hunt-for-fugitive-murder-suspect-william-greer/


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26 thoughts on “U.S. Marshals on the hunt for fugitive murder suspect William Greer (Pt 3) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Bundy, Ted Bundy that is; used to smoke pot and would occasionally drink booze. The pot was his friend, it mellowed him out. But, when he drank booze, he became what he was….a killer. As a sociopath myself, I do not drink

  2. murder clearance rate is 50%, he probably going to get away with it. Half do. check that stat. The conviction rate is even less. They all think he guilty without hearing his side. What happened to the "presumption of innocence" must be from some fake country called USA.

  3. Should update

    HARRIS COUNTY, Texas – A man who has been on the run since being accused of killing his girlfriend 11 years ago was captured in Mexico this week and authorities used his missing toe to help identify him.

  4. Fact is, she stayed with an abusive bastard. When will people ever learn they deserve better? And how stupid can a woman with children be to let a scum bastard in her life? The end result is never good

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