Turpin Children Recovering After Abuse – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Turpin Children Recovering After Abuse – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

After years of abuse at the hands of their own parents, some of the Turpin children didn’t even know what a toothbrush was. Now, they’re recovering by eating lasagna, watching “Star Wars,” and listening to country music. But the scars from their childhood abuse may never heal.

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26 thoughts on “Turpin Children Recovering After Abuse – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. I had it bad with a psychopath father and a mother who didn't care… beatings and physical abuse, intense psychological abuse… the scars never heal. I'm an old man and the scars never healed. But… I NEVER HAD IT THIS BAD. These kids are heroes for surviving what they did and should be showered with love.

  2. I wonder how they’d have internet access and a camera? And I’m guessing she looked clean in the video. Why let them do that and not eat? Did they monitor the internet access to make sure they didn’t ask for help? It doesn’t make sense.

  3. this is sad. i feel so bad for all the kids. i hope they recover ok. idk y time girl didn't do a video asking for help rather than singing tho js

  4. Geez the oldest daughter went through this fucking crap for 29 years!! Damn this is almost to sad to watch. Everything must be new and amazing…or at least I hope so.

  5. Why does a 29 year old need their face blurred out? That 17 have on lipstick singing on YouTube. I thought they was chained constantly? Something is not adding up to me.

  6. First off, why would you pose your kids in tee-shirt, that refer to them as things?  How does a parent do such things as they did.  I'm a parent.  I loved my son exploring new things.  His discovery of the world.  Then his excelling in school, playing sports, enjoying being a kid and teen with friends.  These parent need to live the rest of their lives, as they treated their children.

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