‘Total Bombshell’: Secret Testimony From Jeffrey Epstein Case Could Soon Be Revealed

‘Total Bombshell’: Secret Testimony From Jeffrey Epstein Case Could Soon Be Revealed

Secret grand jury testimony from a case involving admitted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein could soon be made public. The Law&Crime Network’s Angenette Levy speaks with Insider’s legal correspondent Jacob Shamsian and former Watergate prosecutor Nick Akerman about what the documents could reveal.

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Guest: Jacob Shamsian, Legal Correspondent, Business Insider: https://twitter.com/JayShams

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47 thoughts on “‘Total Bombshell’: Secret Testimony From Jeffrey Epstein Case Could Soon Be Revealed

  1. People do you realy tink they going to tell us.
    The list of the yatchs with teir private helicopeter that went to saint thomas?
    The list of the private jets that went to saint thomas?
    Where the money he had came from?
    All the mouvements on he's tresorie at the gb morgan?
    😮😮😮😮😢😢😢😢😢 8:08

  2. It will never happen
    I'd think
    judges' names are on that list as well..
    Is a word tool used by
    by some who love to
    gas light other's into silence shame,
    shut down, any & all truth
    from coming forth that's all .
    The so called conspiracy theorist hold with A 99.999 % accuracy nowadays for sure, So don't worry
    about those
    who use
    the gaslighing tool your record speaks & holds up for it'self…
    In the end
    it's pretty Inpressive today❤ …

  3. Epstein's real purpose to all these wealthy people,was hiding their money offshore to evade taxes,and he used the girls to blackmail these same rich folks,which is how he got off with a slap on the wrist the first time,then murdered in his cell the second time,and his NYC house raided and most of those documents magically disappeared.

  4. I would bet good money that Bill "boys on the tracks" is on that list, but i would also bet good money that killery would off someone before it goes public. The list needs to be public…

  5. She asked 20 different ways ' is there more , is there more , is there more ? ' Its all BS , the Gov. , courts have this case sealed with titanium and ….THEY KNOW IT! And KNOW the trial was rigged but they dont know if hes really 'dead' .

  6. What's interesting is that the lady who has spearheaded the case against Epstein and Maxwell with her testimony against them and Prince Andrew (her name is Virginia Guiffre) was working at Mar-A-Lago when she was recruited by Maxwell to "work" for Epstein as a "masseuse" when she was only 16 or 17.

  7. Trump literally kicked Jeffrey out of Mar A Lago because he was making advances towards a young girl there but you guys won't show photos of Bill Clinton hanging with Epstein. You guys are protecting him and that's part of the problem.

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