Highway patrol officers across the country, from Ohio to Texas, have captured some of the most intense and dangerous car chases on their dashcams. This compilation video features seven separate incidents where drivers attempted to evade law enforcement, engaging in high-speed pursuits that put themselves and others at risk.
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Wildest police car chases more like LAMEST POLICE CAR CHASES 👎🏽
Cops chasing a car the wrong way down a one way street should not be hapenning under any circumstances. What about the innocent people who's life you wreck?
Female cops 😂😂😂 that is all.
If you cant catch up and pit a Prius.. you should probably find another line of work 😂😂😂
Man that Prius is tough ! 4:58…police car hits it and it's hardly damaged !
A prius? Really?? Prius and pursuit should never be used in the same sentence!!😂
Kalamazoo got away?!?
Let Police be Police
Who said do not pit needs lessons from ASP.
Do cops realize if you fire a gun into a car like a Prius that thing could go come booming
The cop that’s primary after the Prius should find a different job he sucks
Motorcycle police chases are often initiated by riders attempting to avoid a minor infraction.
20:50 ein einziger Genuss 👍😘😁
Cops need better drivers 😂
Cross over boy, he could have been stopped a lot sooner with proper vehicular contact
Prius is faster than dodge why police don't stop these people before cause car accidents with innocent people
21:10 This reminds me of the officer who once said: „you just turned a ticket into a felony“
Man, I'm so glad I stopped drinking. The entitlement that accompanies us alcoholics when we're feeding our addiction is horrible. Makes me cringe with embarrassment for her.. and for me. 🙏
They dont f$ck around in Ohio!!!!!
Election results
What the heck kinda Prius was that. Hellcat edition?
Damn, gta 6 graphics looking great
In this country, the justice system is a joke. I know someone that hit and killed a pedestrian and was only in prison for 8mths. 😢
Ohio seems like worst place in the world
This feels like a Hollywood movie with all the intense action! I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen!
1445 he pits the guy and there is a kid on a bike right there. A residemtial street is no place to pit a car
Why doesnt the cops GPS tell the other cars where and what direction he is headed?? Why should the cop have to do that?? The system needs an improvement!!
The Ohio state patrol need to go to Arkansas and get some lessons on how to stop a car. They are pathetic when they can't stop a Prius.
Why didn't the Ohio cop stop the pursuit on the interstate when the bad guy missed his turn and ran into the ditch in the median???
They all say tickets but ik what I got officer this prison lol
Wow. Sad these people bred. Poor kids have zero chance in life.
Seriously the Prius one is amazing it gave a beating to Chargers
so….a high speed chase involving a Prius ?? The driver should have just gave up to avoid recriminations from other high speed chase guys in the prison where he is gonna end up …
Police chase is very dangerous for the public, for the suspect, and even for the police itself. The suspect, when persuaded, violates traffic rules. The same violation of traffic rules is committed by the police when they follow the suspect with the same speed and the same route. During persuit, there is no difference between suspect and police as long as police are following the suspect, I hope you understand my point of view.
It is a waste of lot of public money by the police.
How many cars are destroyed during a chase. Police cars are destroyed. Public cars are destroyed.
The suspect is moving slightly at higher speed before chase, but when police start chasing, the suspect increases it's speed to it's maximum capacity, so it becomes more dangerous when under pursuit than none at all.
How much fuel is consumed when the suspect is followed by 10 or more cars and two or more helicopters.
It is a foolish operation when you are wasting more money to get little results.
Sometimes, the suspect is killed by accident or killed by police. Even police officers are injured or killed in accidents or by suspect itself in this operation.
There must be data available on line about damages caused by persuit. A lot of public money is wasted in such operations.
Police persuit must be stopped immediately, please.
It's always very important when you're running from the cops that you don't forget to use your turn signals
If you’re running from the cops in a Prius, you need to reevaluate your life choices.