“My client was sacrificed, thrown under the bus,” defense attorney Mark Eiglarsh said to jurors as he began his opening statement in the trial against former Parkland school resource officer Scot Peterson. The defense claims Peterson has been used as someone to point the finger at — someone to blame — for the deadly massacre that killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February 2018. The state argues Peterson didn’t follow active shooter training and could have saved students’ lives the day of the gruesome crime.
#ScotPeterson #Parkland #LawAndCrime
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It warms my heart to see the comments in this chat. I fully expected everyone to rip Mark and Scott apart but, I am happy to say I was wrong. I feel for the families and I am outraged the Cruiz was able to commit this horrible act with as many red flags as they had. The way the officers handled the shooting wasnt enough because they dodnt have what they needed. They had made the district aware of the issues with the radios, 911 systems, and other issues that handicapped the officers on scene. Maybe more students could have been saved but, its not fair to blame one man and make him the one to be punished. What about the people in charge who knew the short comings of the department for years and choose to do nothing? The sheirf was in the hot seat and gave the mob a name to get them off his back. He could have said we will investigate the response extensively and go from there. Instead he threw his officer under the bus and ruined his life. Im not gling to get angry at the parents for wanting someone to pay but truly Scot did the best he could. He never had a mark against him, he wad officer of the year, no one ever had a bad word to say, and suddenly he turns into a coward? Im sorry i dont think thats what happened and i am pleased to serve pther people in this chat agree with me. I hope one day Scott is able to have a life again. I also hope the parents and families of those killed find some peace. And i hope the evil demon NK has a long miserable life in prison. Death would be too easy for him. He should live a long life of misery and after decades of a miserable existence only then do i think he should answer for his crimes before god.
Your client is a joker man , he is acting , at one end he is laughing and the other end he is crying , he is trying to prove himself an innocent , he has no guts to go on top and save the students even he was armed .
At the end of the day you go in sir ! Thats what you get paid for . Where are the shoots comming from ? You go in !!!!
Its semi automatic, not automatic.
Thank goodness the jury got this right. Mark did an awesome job. I pray for God’s peace for the parents who lost their children by that horrible monster.🙏🏽
Remind me to get Mark’s # if I’m in Florida and the firm who defended Barry Morphew if I’m in Colorado…. Mark Richards if in Wisconsin. It’s fascinating to watch them
In action while
Understanding and analyzing the facts against the law and digging deep
In your own gut. 😅
Scot Peterson wouldn’t have stopped Nicholas Cruz, who had an AR 15 and body armor. Scot Peterson had a pistol and no armor. A little over 6 minutes was all it took. This case was BS.
What about Uvalde?????
This all started because of Scott Israel and his sick politics and using one of his own officers Scot Peterson as the scapegoat and to take the pressure off of himself.
Mark is the best of the best. Judges highly respect this man.
It's a shame this video only got 22k views. Wish I would have seen this trial live..
Scot Peterson is the new Gwyneth
Sir you make our profession proud. So many times, I watch defense lawyers and ask "where is the outrage on behalf of your client?" This is what outrage looks like. Smart judge too.
its crazy he's on trial for being a human being and being scared. For not dying. This is really insane
Wow it’s as if he doesn’t know what an opening statement is. It’s a roadmap to the evidence that will be shown, not argue your client’s case to the jury.
For those of you who have children take a moment, in fact pause the video. Look over at your child .. now imagine him or her riddled with bullets and dead.
Now decide..
Is this person guilty or not ?
We forget how easy it is to judge when we’re on the outside looking in.
The problem i have with this guy is that he literally just stood there. That’s simply unacceptable to me. Five minutes, 10 minutes, fifteen minutes… doesn’t matter. This idea that because he couldn’t determine where the shots were coming from was just cause for him to not act at all. The point being he didn’t even try to help.
Mark is an amazing attorney no doubt but he also has an unsettling abrasive arrogance to him that i think would serve him better as a prosecutor rather then a defense attorney.
As a juror, I would HATE being yelled at by a lawyer for no reason.
This guy did absolutely nothing wrong!
Eiglarsh is a very talented litigator. One of the most compelling openings I've seen–especially in light of the fact that his client was labeled a coward from day one.
The other people to blame,,,, his parents for allowing him to have a gun, the people he moved in with, for allowing him to have a gun and a key/access to it, the school head, for not acting on the teachers reporting this childs behaviour over and over, and society, for glorifying bloodshed and violence on TV, films and computer games….aswell as this security officer.
If it were me, and I had a gun, knew how to use it, and had an idea where the shooting was coming from ( which I believe he did), I would have bloodey well had a go, run into the building and done my best to find and shoot the ********. He was a coward.
I saw the victims parents and my heart absolutely shattered! With my oldest daughter starting school soon, I'm TERRIFIED. This is every parents worst nightmare💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔 Rest Easy 17
If he didn't know where the shots were coming from, WHY did he just stand there while they were happening instead of trying to find out? Because he knew exactly where! He told multiple LE and others exactly where they came from! THAT is what the evidence will show! It does NOT matter what happened days AFTER the shooting. What matters is WHAT DID NOT HAPPEN the day those students and staff were slaughtered! HE failed to take action! He hid! Even after backup arrived!!!
He did nothing.
If he thought shots were fired from football field, WHY did he just STAND THERE!? Why didn't he go TOWARDS football field!???
The "evidence will show" this man was, is and will always be the coward who STOOD outside hiding for 40 minutes and NEVER entered that building to even CHECK to see if it was coming from inside!!! EVEN after backup LE arrived!!!
Are the prosecutors in FL bored? Or are they chasing cases that will make headlines?
If the sounds of the shots fired are as bad and indistinct as the defense's microphone, then I vote to acquit !
Im surprised by the comments saying the prosecution has no case. Whether he knew where the firing was coming from or not (which is something the jury would determine) didn't he have an obligation to find out and then intervene? Otherwise why did he come over in the gulf cart at all? What purpose would having an armed SRO at a school serve if he was not expected to help? The students were required to be there due to truancy type laws and so the state has an obligation to care for them while they are there. The SRO was hired by the state to help do that.
Yeah… that’s sustained. 😀
Remember who we are dealing with here. Democrat prosecutors out of Broward that wanted to defund the police.
He was an old cop that wanted an easy gig before he retired. But when it came to actually do his job, the coward folded like a cheap lawn chair.