This Will Be A MESSY Lawsuit! Cops Arrested Him For Trying To File a Complaint Against Them!

This Will Be A MESSY Lawsuit! Cops Arrested Him For Trying To File a Complaint Against Them!

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

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Original video 4:

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N.Y. Penal Law § 240.20-

City of Houston v. Hill-

Posr v. Court Officer Shield # 207-

Stern v. Shammas-

Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire-

People v. Tichenor-

Minnesota v. Dickerson-

United States v. Santillian-

N.Y. Penal Law § 195.05-

People v. Case-

Charles v. City of New York-

N.Y. Civ. Rights Law § 79-P-

N.Y. Crim. Proc. Law § 140.10-

Potenza v. Gonzales-

People v. Livio-

N.Y. Penal Law § 240.00-

N.Y. Penal Law § 140.05-

N.Y. Penal Law § 140.00-

People v. Hedemann-

People v. Reape-

Cheektowaga Police Department Policy Manual Policy 1010-


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38 thoughts on “This Will Be A MESSY Lawsuit! Cops Arrested Him For Trying To File a Complaint Against Them!

  1. Unless I'm mistaken, you have severely misunderstood the reason for the citizen demanding the cops be arrested for swearing. From what I understand from this video, it isn't a desire for speech to be illegal as you claim, but a desire for equality. Namely he was arrested for swearing even though his action clearly weren't illegal and so either the cops need to be arrested for doing it too, regardless of the law, or more ideally IMO, arrested for felonies under USC 18 13 241 and 242.

  2. These cases are never finished disability of course tax payers pay all his bills thats why he can sit there all day I suppose tax payers would pay for a lawyer lol thank god for trump and common sense

  3. Hitler’s gestapo committed all their heinous acts under the protection of the hitler’s mein kampf. Like the US gestapo is protected by the criminal ‘policies’ made up by the criminal captains and chiefs.

  4. This is why you never go to the department to give them a chance. They will always try to flip it on you. Just post it to the internet and let the people get your justice.

  5. The first officer really was a good show of professionalism. He couldn't do anything but he was more willing to listen to what Mr. Reynolds was upset about, when compared to the Captain who immediately tresspassed Mr. Reynolds for wanting to redressing his government, by filing a complaint.

  6. Most boring episode ever the auditor has way to much free time and is just draining public resources. What he did here was absolutely pointless and makes it that much harder for everyone with a real issue. He brings shame to the auditing community and should consider quitting

  7. The efficacy of the audit function is determined by the outcome of the encounter. Therefore, I look forward to an update which shows the result of any suits or complaints. Additionally, since qualified immunity is so great a hurdle to overcome in winning a judgement against cops, I'd like to see a methodology proposed which would make it possible for citizens to place suits against cops without the expense of lawyers. Perhaps the volume of inexpensive suits would serve as an impetus for change.

  8. What you’re missing here like usual is all these crimes have no victim the state cant be the victim cuz you cant face your accuser! I believe thats in the constitution! Also he is calling out the fact every cop is DIRTY & A Hypocrite! There are so many unconstitutional laws on the books it not funny! And the reason that is is because we have failed to hold government accountable by actively watching and protesting these laws before they are passed!

  9. @19:45-Yes the use of profanity is protected speech for both officers and the American citizen, but that does not stop police departments from issuing, arresting and dragging countless amounts of people through the court system, waisting not only taxpayer dollars for a frivolous charge but the also the time of the judge, jury(where applicable) and the citizen. It proves that there IS a two tier system of justice. One for the thin blue line and the other for the rest of us.

  10. I think the arrest was justified and any potential lawsuit against the Chief or the department will be thrown out, perhaps with prejudice. But hopefully we’ll find out. Maybe they’ll add a clarification or amendment to the department’s policy with regard to accepting all complaints to allow for rejecting complaints and ceasing future communications with a citizen who makes numerous frivolous complaints and who’s intention is to have interactions with the police for the purpose of filing said frivolous complaints because that’s a huge waste of taxpayer dollars and police officer’s time and resources.

  11. why I think anonymous complaints should be used. Clearly he's auditing the area and because of this he is going to file more complaints than others. The idea that because he's filing too many complaints and now he's banned from complaints doesn't sit right with me. If he is in fact running into complaints in every interaction with his department there is a chance they're warranted and complaints serve to create a paper trail for bad conduct. this is first video of reynolds i've watched to assume he's a bad actor and ban him isn't ok to me. saying your claim has been closed then arresting then informing complaints won't be accepted anymore after the arrest not ok either.

  12. This is another fraudster who deserves everyone's scorn. He proves that when people have a iphone that is way way smarter than them in their pocket the stupid decisions they make.

  13. Theres a lot more to this than this one video. Make a lawsuit so we can see all the proof because this guy sounds like a guy who just wants a payday

  14. This is boring the shit outta me, this guy needs to find a hobby and move on, he's simply making a nuisance of himself and he needs to move on, personally my opinion is he hopes to get to a point where he can sue so he can eliminate economic issues his not working are creating for him and his wife. He needs to grow the F up.

  15. Imagine how much would get done if every construction worker had the mindset of that cop, "Nope! Ive had to move that pipe once already, it would be waaay tooo annoying, and hard to keep doing my job when things aren't easy…"

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