This is How We Can Beat the Mask Mandates and Why it MUST be done – FIS No. 54 – Everything Law and Order Blog

I have a new strategy for challenging the mask mandates – not just in West Virginia, but in surrounding states as well. Here’s how we can do it, and also the reasons why it absolutely must be done as soon as possible. Also, it looks like attorneys Chris Wiest from Kentucky and Andy Fox from Tennessee will be joining me tonight to rant about our tyrant governors and scheme against them.

UPDATE: Read more:

#CivilRightsLaw #MaskMandates #Science


31 thoughts on “This is How We Can Beat the Mask Mandates and Why it MUST be done – FIS No. 54”
  1. Well, this is a first. I sat through 2 hours (and 3 minutes or so) of legal stuff and I'm still awake. You guys raised some points that definitely rang my bells (I scared the cat, though). I usually watch cooking shows, and suddenly I'm surrounded by lawyers – and loving it! OK, sometimes I regret not going to law school way back when, but spit happens …

  2. Isn’t forcing someone to wear a mask dictating the use of a medical procedure/treatment without consent? Medical treatments are done under Rx between a consenting patient and a doctor. Also seem like a violation of HIPPA, medical treatments should remain private. Mild form of torture can be argued. Also does freedom of speech include not imparing ones speech? Or for that matter not restricting a person from non-verbal reading of lips to aid in hearing…does ADA apply? I’m an Engineer not an attorney, but we solve problems for a living…Steve Petty speaks engineer.

  3. Simone Gold and her team on American Frontline Doctors have lawyers from all over the US working on these mandates. They had a Health & Freedom conference in Tulsa on 4/16 and the lawyers were there as well talking about these issues. You should reach out to them for angles etc. If you want to watch videos, you will have to go on bit bitchute or for information on the conference.

  4. Re: Executive Powers of a governor…
    In the event of "emergency," an EO is only applicable to the employees and agencies which are normally under the governor's direction. He can instruct officers from those agencies, designate resources, etc
    …EOs never ever apply to the general public!

  5. The federal Government has so much overreach dont reinforce it by a federal challenge. the states are to Govern them selves stop giving the Fed more power it isn't constitutional..

  6. There is a basic, fundamental-right argument when one considers the right of self defense and ones liberty making one free and independent to make the basic human decision to take ones life's matters into their own hands and do what one feels they need to do, without government intrusion.
    How can there be a compelling governmental interest to demand and decree that individuals wear spit-masks in their day-to-day activities that have no interaction with government at all?
    How is there a compelling governmental interest to demand and decree that free individuals NOT have the right to freely and peacefully assemble when such assembly has nothing to do with government in any way? Particularly, how can gov't. intrude when most scheduled and precedented assemblies are for religious purposes?
    How can there be a compelling governmental interest to force individuals, healthy individuals, to be injected with unknown, unproven, untested concoction of chemicals, that are manufactured by proven, documented, criminal drug-makers that have criminal histories? "Gewgle" Phizer criminal history.
    How can basic human rights, codified in every state constitution, be arbitrarily vanquished for claim of an unproven, undocumented, unverified, un-sampled, non-Koch's Postulate-scrutinized, over-Polymerized Chain Reaction-cycled(PCRtest), many-time-expert-independent-scientific-professional-confirmed-opinion-overruling-gov't.-biased-opinion, claim of existence of a "deadly virus" that can't be stopped doesn't exist?
    How can a "virus" that has a 99.97% SURVIVAL rate be considered so deadly?
    If there was an actual pandemic, there would be no arguing its existence…. But, yet, here we are. Still all alive. No more actual counted deaths than there was last year, or any previous years, to claim something is killing way more than ever before.
    There is no viable reason for the institution that exists strictly for the people, by the people's consent, to be making the people into criminals unreasonably for doing what is self-evidently reasonable- basic human rights and responsibilities.

  7. Any expert that governments have brought forth to show that masks work are obviously hacks. There's nothing in physics that shows that masks work. In fact, all you need to do is show that the mass flow rate through the mask is too high for the channels to block a virus.

  8. Fight the good fight brother! I’m from WV and recently had to move to the communist wealth of VA for employment. I’ve said it for a year – What this sets precedent for is extremely dangerous!!! Also could you set up a place for us to donate to you to fight this?

  9. This is an angle that cannot be argued intelligently, why were we (humans) able to survive millions of years without mask mandates etc. I would also argue that it actually will compromise our ability to build our internal immunities. I don't think that there is any argument that we have survived before any government intrusion into our lives. It is so anti freedom which is what our country founded on "land of the free" is no longer true.

  10. OSHA has really stiff requirements for wearing a breathing device. There are rules and standards for even a small mask. These new rules disregard all those, which would be clearly established I would guess.

  11. How about this: By conscripting me to wear an unnecessary mask in order to promote a false narrative, in violation of my 13th amendment rights, by being impressed into advertising that false narrative, I am being denied my 1st amendment right as Christian to bear witness to the truth. Further, the mask mandate endangers the psychological welfare of children and adults.
    If we can be coerced into wearing unnecessary masks, we can be coerced to wear a yellow star of David with the word "Jew" om them.
    Australians suffering a 'shadow pandemic' of mental health concerns
    Warnings of the 'devastating impact' the lockdown will have on mental health
    The Psychological Impact of Lockdown on Mental Health
    Experts fear mental health impact of lockdowns

  12. "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a [fierce] master." -George Washington
    "The primary function of government is to protect the interest of the opulent minority from the majority."
    -James Madison
    "The constitution is a <expl dele> piece of paper." -George W. Bush
    Is it beginning to sink in at all? No? I didn't think so. Have a nice day.

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