‘The Storm’: ‘Doomsday Cult’ Prophet Had Special Nickname for His Junk

‘The Storm’: ‘Doomsday Cult’ Prophet Had Special Nickname for His Junk

While a former FBI special agent went over sexual texts between Lori and Chad Daybell, the “doomsday cult” mom had a special nickname for her fifth husband’s junk, “the storm.” Lori and her husband are charged in the murders of her kids, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow, along with his late wife, Tammy. The Law&Crime Network’s Gigi McKelvey has the reaction to this testimony.

#LoriVallowDaybell #ChadDaybell #LawAndCrime

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45 thoughts on “‘The Storm’: ‘Doomsday Cult’ Prophet Had Special Nickname for His Junk

  1. well my twin children in mississippi are cult vicitms apparently. from people in alabama gerogia or kentucky or car jackings by a mike smith phil bryant or gang related people who apparently were threatebing me since 1997 napparently. just fyi.

  2. Two sick people want to live off their families death for there money and say they were zombies murder and money and lust and how long did that last the Lord works in mysterious ways you two were caught right away and we'll never be together again so where was your God then you used the lord's name to kill and get money I never heard of a God that murders never heard of zombies that are on Earth what lies you told and look at you now goodbye no Lori no family no money no kids that was short-lived God one you use God's name for your murder lust and greed for money and lost God was with the victims there in heaven and you will never be there

  3. in nearly 3 decades I've heard lots of weird things people called their privates…this is new.
    what next? little boy after the atomic bomb we dropped on a civilian city?

  4. Was she asking if there was a plan for Tammy? When her son accuused her of killing them she said he didn't understand. I would never let that woman loose to hurt anyone else that disagrees with her or stands in her way.

  5. Evil people just being evil out in the open.

    Here in Massachusetts we’ve had a couple times there were huge storms predicted. School was canceled, businesses closed. Due to a storm in 2007 that shut down the state we reacted that way.
    Then the storm does not come.
    We call it a NO storm. Chad Daybell- A NO storm.

  6. If I was Lori's defense I'd say that she trusted Chad & Alex had hidden the children away in some bunker where they would be "safe & happy." Its a great defense because before they found the bodies a popular belief was that the children were hidden away in some doomsday bunker. If people were able to believe that possibility once, they can believe it again. A HUGE advantage for Lori is that #1 her brother is dead. & #2 is that Chad is screwed & will 100% be found guilty of murdering Tammy, the fact th bodies were in his yard & the racoon text basically makes it 100% guarantee guilty with the kids as well. They could also say when she called Chad she asked if she should call him back later(when they were searching his property) because she didn't know they'd find anything so why wouldn't she be able to call him back. & The reason she was acting carefree is because she thought her children were "safe & happy." If she wanted to push it further she could say she had to marry Chad in exchange for her children's safety, etc. If Lori had the same jury & lawyers as Casey Anthony did than this case would be an absolute shoe-in for NOT guilty!

  7. Sadly, likely the most devastating punishment for these two psychopaths will be that a) Lori will never see the inside of a (non-prison) beauty salon again and b) "The Storm" is officially out of action. They killed two children horrifically and then flew off to Hawaii to get married and celebrate beach-side. Using funds from murdered children and murdered spouses "Revolting" doesn't even touch it.

  8. Those texts are very telling. It makes it harder for chads kids to say he’s completely innocent. Can’t imagine what they’re going through right now. How can you wrap your head around the accusations that their very own dad may have killed their mom just to be with a bimbo like Lori, who’s own brother was likely a murderer.

  9. What I don’t, and have never understood is if they really believed in zombie/dark/light why are they pleading not guilty. If they really believed what they were doing was right they’d have admitted it.
    So, that tells me that they are just using the ‘religion’ as an excuse to kill their families to be together

  10. I hope the prison doesnt put them in protective custody. JJ, Tylee, Charles and Tammy werent in protective custody to protect them from being killed.
    If they want to go to Gods words " Eye for an Eye.

  11. Remember the text in which Chad tells Lori he soothed Alex, who was getting freaked when he found out that Tammy's body was being exhumed, with a "malachite balm" ? Has it occurred to anyyone that the dust from malachite, when ingested or inhaled, is poisonous? Did the malachite balm == however it was administered — get absorbed into his sytem and cause his death? And why did Chad and Lori want malachite wedding rings? Did malachite have some unique meaning to them?

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