The attorney representing the New Mexico 19-year-old accused of throwing her baby in the trash spoke to the Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie about the controversial case. “The baby was dead,” Gary Mitchell said before insisting his client, Alexee Trevizo, is not at fault for the newborn’s death.
Sierra Gillespie:
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I hope she stays locked up for life. She was right at the hospital, the place where she could've easily handed the baby to nurses without any charges. She was right at the best place to give up the baby and she still threw her newborn boy into a trash!!! Unexcusable.
Even if the baby was stillborn, you still don't put him in a trash. You inform the nurses immediately.
This was wild I love in this town I didn't know about this but it's wild
You have come up pregnant on a test, you are complaining of level 10 back pain. You are lying about being sexually active, you are a teenager. You run to the bathroom saying I have to use the bathroom… ALL THE STAFF SHOULD HAVE KNOWN SHE IS HAVING A BABY AND NOT IN A MENTAL STATE TO BE ALONE IN A BATHROOM. Negligence on behalf of the mother and medical staff
You don't blame the hospital and clean after so nobody will find out
Creepy old attorney looking for a big payday from the hospital. 😮
She doesn't deserve a defense. Grandma doesn't seem overly concerned the baby was killed by her daughter. Shame!
Just like a democrap lawyer wants to blame everyone but her!
the mother is lying, every mother knows this and understands when the child is pregnant
She ripped the umbilical cord apart. Come on Lawyer
She knew she was pregnant and wouldn't let them help her.
So the baby was a "nothing" to the pos
This lawyer defends criminals and allows perjury from his clients and witnesses. I’ve been in a courtroom with him and watched how he creates his own scenarios
She threw a new born baby in the trash, covered it up and walked away.
That lawyer is so old that when the state trooper asked him for his license he pulled put a rock….😂😂😂😂😂😂
No Mr. lawyer, she wasn't a honor student more like a honor killer..😢😢😢
The hospital had nothing to do with the baby's death
Even if the baby was a stillborn YOU DONT PUT A BABY IN THE TRASH! What is wrong with these people? Meanwhile I’m over here breaking my neck trying to get pregnant and these brats are doing this
As a mum of 2 this is horrific. But, she was an immature and confused 19yr old. Her lawyer hasnt helped her here. Everyone reacts differently. But she shouldn't have been left so long in the toilet when they knew she was pregnant. Then full on interrogation immediately. Sad on everyone.
A girl in my hometown killed her baby. Literally murdered her newborn baby and got no jail time
here comes the spin
The more I hear the lawyer speak, the angrier I get. She's guilty of it and the lawyer knows it so he is trying to grab at any straw. I Sure hope that this girl gets convicted and is sentenced to the maximum!! She Blame's everyone else but herself!! Totally Disgusting!!
Justice for that Sweet Little Baby who was never given a chance!! 🙏🙏😥😥🙏🙏
Her lawyer is a dimwit. If it was a stillborn then would did she try to conceal it? Come on. The autopsy results certainly conflict with the idea that the baby was a stillborn.
I call BS on this girl and her disgusting lawyer!!! Ugh
In no way am I defending her just a statement to a couple comments … my mother didn’t know she was pregnant with me
Her back pains and abdominal pain and not being examined for it, is irrelevant to the fact that she threw her newborn baby in the trash. Her baby might have lived if she took the proper steps to get help for the baby. Also, the drs at rhe hospital did tests on her and found out she was pregnant. This girl was in a hospital bathroom where there are call buttons. There is absolutely NO excuse for what she did. Sje knew what she was doing.
That baby didn’t deserve any of that. She did that to herself you stupidass lawyer
This girl is NO different from women who decide on ABORTION!!!!!
Condemn her, condemn them ALL!!!
She fail her self she lie to her self she put her self in this case just speak the truth about yourself.
I have a feeling one jurror is going to feel sorry for her because shes young and they are going to let her off……
How does this defense attorney know the baby was stillborn? Because his client told him? From the evidence I have seen so far says otherwise. Better be glad I am not on that Jury, I would have them throw the book at her. Her mom is a piece of work too.
I think the lawyer is going to pull out all the stops, basically making excuses for a 19 year old where her actual behavior is the issue. He’s going to vilify everyone who came within 10ft. Wrong and wrong. I think the autopsy will be pivotal.
He is a deplorable human being and a huge reason why I hate lawyers
This makes sense now , honestly I thought she was a bad person , but she was scared