Texas Mother Vanishes Amid Marital Strife – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Texas Mother Vanishes Amid Marital Strife – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Bianca Carrasco went missing during spring 2016. She and her husband, Joe Daniel Carrasco were reportedly struggling with their marriage and she was trying to divorce him before she vanished. Carrasco was allegedly talking to other men during this time as well.

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26 thoughts on “Texas Mother Vanishes Amid Marital Strife – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. He killed her. Why didn't they searched the home? The backyard? He looks so guilty! If they can follow his phone where it went that day, they will find her remains

  2. If she was having an affair and was afraid of her husband, maybe she left for good with her lover. Shes betrayed loved ones in her life, betrayed her marriage, and maybe didnt care about keaving her kids behind. Some people vanish and start new lives. Sin always leads to death. 😔

  3. Oh BS I don't like the way this story is being presented. The press Iis a joke and not speaking to you means nothing. People in this country are convicted constantly due to you people trying people one sided in the press. Shameful

  4. No one likes reporters lol so that doesn't mean jack! Reporters are parasites that literally treat people like opportunities so if your blonde bimbo is acting as if not wanting to speak to her is evidence of a crime you r way off.

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