‘Tell Me The Truth’: Lori Vallow Daybell’s Sister Testifies in ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom’s Trial

‘Tell Me The Truth’: Lori Vallow Daybell’s Sister Testifies in ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom’s Trial

Lori Vallow Daybell’s sister, Summer Shiflet, screamed at the ‘doomsday cult’ mom during a jailhouse phone call about the murders of Daybell’s children. The call was played in court Tuesday while Shiflet was testifying. “You were on the beach in Hawaii getting married while the children were gone!” Shiflet yelled. “You only see what’s on TV,” Daybell responded. Daybell is accused of killing two of her children, Tylee Ryan and J.J. Vallow. Their remains were found burned on her fifth husband’s property.

#LoriVallowDaybell #DoomsdayCultMom #LawAndCrime

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41 thoughts on “‘Tell Me The Truth’: Lori Vallow Daybell’s Sister Testifies in ‘Doomsday Cult’ Mom’s Trial

  1. Its just heart-breaking that Summer and her mother went on national TV and vehemently defended Lori, while those children were already dead. When she realised the truth and was so upset over her dead neice and nephew, their own mother was cool as a cucumber, whining about "poor me, you don't realise what I've been through." Selfish, narcissistic, cold, heartless, all about her. Just sickening.

  2. Lori's sister is hysterical yelling at her but clearly getting nowhere. She has also been deceived by a whacko sister. Sis just could not wrap her head around the fact that her beloved Lori is a psychopath and killed her kids and won't ever admit it. What is going on with their "soft voices", almost childlike. None of them are normal.

  3. There are lots who believe this life is nothing and real life is after we pass. This is part of it. Also belief one is always blameless for things in this life if one is "fighting demons." My nephew is schiz and he believes this and now his mom is passed because "It wasnt her, they got her, they were sucking my energy."

  4. I'm amazed that Summer didn't just hangup in frustrated, horror. I would have been banging the phone, pause and breathe and try ro pick up the phone again.
    I'm equally freaked that Lori listens and doesn't hangup herself, although SHE probably thought she could change Summer's mind.

  5. It's the end of the world but I'm going on vacation with my man we bought 2 way ticket I'll be back, oh only somepople end not mine how sad how sad you are dear mother.

  6. Lori” you don’t think I suffered?”
    Summer” no I think you were dancing on the beach having a great time!”
    Amen Summer, thanks for saying exactly what we would all like to tell Lori✊♥️

  7. lori deserves to be put down, anything short than that is not justice. she hasn't shown any remorse or cooperated with solving the deaths of her children. her sister and mother blindly put there faith into lori only to be torn apart. sad

  8. @mango8918, I thought the same. It even makes me a little sad for Alex. If he had a brain injury that caused him cognitive delays or issues, then he was a victim of his sister's manipulation and control. I have a 54 yo brother who also suffers developmental delay. He is highly suggestable and would do anything you ask him just to be part of the group and feel loved. If Alex was similar, he would be easily manipulated. His tearful sobbing after Chad's "blessing " could attest to this.

  9. Even though it must've been very hard for Summer to go on that stand let alone make that prison call to Lori, I have so much respect for her. She stood up to that soulless monster of a sister and said exactly what everyone else is thinking. I do hope that her, Adam, Kelsee, Colby and their families find peace.

  10. Lori was ready and willing to severe all ties with EVERYONE in her family. She doesnt love ANYONE but herself and Chad. Shes back to manipulating everybody, to try and get support to beat the murder charges against her. Other wise, she wouldnt be talking to any one of them.

  11. What a nightmare for the family. Just know we all mourn with you. I cannot imagine what the last day for those 2 beautiful children went threw just so sad this woman is a heartless piece of trash. They need to go straight to Death Row put the 💉 in them and then then throw them in the trash as she did to her children 😢

  12. This Lori Vallow trial is such a rabbit hole. Can't think of anything else these days. She manages to suck life out of everyone who's watching, cannot imagine what her family is going through right now.

  13. Man I feel so much for her sister. The pain in her voice is visceral. Just pure agony. Mean while Lori found a way to make HERSELF the victim in this situation. ("You don't know what I'VE been through.") You know after having her kids murdered. Pretty incredible how she tried to turn that around. What a worthless piece of garbage.

  14. The ex husband of her niece, Melani, is lucky to be alive. From all the coverage of all this, it appears that he was going to be next to die. Melani was hooked into that cult and the “zombie” theory.

  15. Lori had to exhibit odd behavior of some sort before she met Chad. She just didn't change the day she met him. I don't get this. Did none of her family members and friends notice anything odd about Lori's words and actions in the years prior to these horrific crimes?????

  16. Lori is a narcissist… I grew up with one and my birth mother is one. The whole "no one knows what I have gone through"… that "people only see what is on TV"… meanwhile her children were brutalized, killed and buried in the boyfriends yard. Lori doesn't care at all and is enjoying her sister's pain…The cat and mouse game… that she wishes she could tell her sister the truth… while her sister is begging her to do so…and hearing the sister sadly say that she would keep defending her if Lori would just tell her the truth if there was another explanation.This is the sadistic game that Lori is playing. … The saddest thing is that people who love a narcissist will never get that reasonable, honest explanation for how the narc hurts them… it is simply for their enjoyment and makes them feel powerful and special. They lack empathy and it is beyond frustrating for people who have to put up with them. The best thing to do is to walk away and never look back. I hope when Lori gets sentenced, the family never have contact with her again.

  17. I can't imagine what the wider family are going through.
    I don't think I could ever comprehend a close family member being involved in these crimes.
    I don't know how you mentally come back from that.
    I really feel for them.

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