Teen Wrongly Convicted Of Quadruple Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Teen Wrongly Convicted Of Quadruple Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Davonte Sanford, a half-blind, special needs 14-year-old, was convicted of four murders in Detroit. Sanford confessed to committing the murders as a teen, but a self-described hitman named Vincent “Vito” Smothers said that he was the one who killed the four people. Even after this revelation, Sanford was not immediately freed from prison. Crime Watch Daily’s Andrea Isom speaks with Davontae’s mother Taminko Sanford and Davontae himself about what happened.

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41 thoughts on “Teen Wrongly Convicted Of Quadruple Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. Cops are awful disgusting people. Not only did they force a confession out of the vulnerable kid but they also refused to admit he was wrongfully convicted when the real killer confessed 🙄

  2. Lol lots of nice guys choose to do bad things. But the point is he’s half blind so if he were to shoot he’d shoot into someone’s window

    Because he would never get a good aim. So no he’s not a killer if he wants tp kill someone he’d hire someone to kill them!!!

    But he never did that either I’m just say if he was s good guy turned bad he’d hire someone. But he didn’t it was someone different

  3. This whole may have been mentally challenged. No way ANYONE could advise me to have my kid take a deal on murders he didn't commit. THEN Detroit Police Dept was no better. I blame most of the force as well because I'm sure this info was known and NOBODY spoke up on this child's behalf publicly about the new evidence and confession. If you sit by and allow things like this to happen you just as guilty. A closed mouth is your agreement to this foolery.

  4. So the police basically came up with the confession for devante wrote it all down then turned the cameras on and had him say he did it in the video. That’s what it looks like to me.🤔

  5. I think maybe the hitman is lying. Maybe Devontes family like he’s uncles mayb they are thugs and picked a random guy (hitman) and told him to turn himself in and say it was him who did these murders or else they will kill him. Cause think bout it who turns them self in after “his crimes” are already solved? He even said he has a 3 week old babygirl ? If anything he would do anything to be with her!!

  6. Cops who falsely and fake stuff to get someone convicted should be locked up for life. And these are black cops lol. I thought it was white cops who were bad according to those racist black punks who make stupid comments like that lol

  7. I don't know how to reconcile that hitman's wanting to do right by his new daughter with his choosing that career parth in the first place. I just hope it means becoming a father changed him. As it is I have more respect for him than for the cops who kept that kid behind bars rather than face the consequences of their own mistake.

  8. Why would the family let him go down to the police station to be interrogated without an adult present?? Oh my god I can’t imagine. He’s a scared 14 year old learning disabled kid. So let’s lock him in a max shack for 50 years that makes sense. Classic cops.

  9. Why didn't the detective ask davonte the three men names? Nobody even went searching for "the men" that was supposedly did this with him. They were just tryna get a confession and close the case which is injustice.

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