Teen Vanishes Before Flight To Arizona – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

Teen Vanishes Before Flight To Arizona – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

19-year-old Katelin Akens vanished before she was set to fly to Arizona to see her fiancé Amber Rios. Akens’s stepfather agreed to take her to the airport, and claims that she asked to be dropped off at a metro stop. Akens text messaged Rios to say that she needed to delay her flight to Arizona, and then Akens disappeared.

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30 thoughts on “Teen Vanishes Before Flight To Arizona – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

  1. Pure conjecture, but I'd guess the stepfather had sexually abused her years before, which resulted in her becoming a lesbian. The night before probably brought that back, she was in a panic, and then her mother sends her abuser to taxi her to the airport. I suspect she told her stepfather she was going to tell her mother and/or the police, and he murdered her in a very cack-handed fashion, making the lack of a conviction astounding.

  2. Why was the ex Dad dropping her off? Most police Depts would have solved this case based on circumstantial evidence. They would have made him crack.

  3. I don’t think the ex-stepdad is innocent but tbh, if that tv crew pulled up on me being all loud and asking question obnoxiously like that, I’d run like a mf too

  4. I get that it's their job to report stuff, but it always bothers me when they follow people around and keep bothering them. Yeah, he looks guilty asf, but after he got in his car and drove up his driveway, it was unnecessary to keep following him.

  5. I was checking out the ex’s Facebook and she’s only posted her missing once in 2015 when it happened, I was wondering why but after now finding out katelin cheated on her, I can see why she doesn’t post about her or seem to really care.
    hell, even a year later, she was already posting pictures with her new gf.

  6. I love Jason M. If I ever come missing I want him to hound all the people involved for me. You're awesome for standing by the people that don't have a voice.

  7. It’s really hard to tell what happened to her. I wouldn’t be surprised if the stepdad is at fault or if she ran away. The step dad might like the attention or is an ass but probably didn’t do anything to her. And was this before Uber that she couldn’t call one? They’re cheaper than a cab.

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