Teen Rescued During Sex Trafficking Sting – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Teen Rescued During Sex Trafficking Sting – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Crime Watch Daily’s Melissa McCarty reports on human trafficking stings and interviews the mother of an apparent 16-year-old victim. The mother’s daughter got caught up in California’s human trafficking sting called Operation Reclaim and Rebuild. Sergeant Scott Carty tells Crime Watch Daily that he believes the girl is a victim of human trafficking based on her behavior patterns.

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24 thoughts on “Teen Rescued During Sex Trafficking Sting – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. The reporter lied this doesn’t just happen to any teenager usually it’s the ones who’ve been through the most trauma or dire life circumstances that turn to these things out of desperation.

  2. They should arrest the prostitutes in robstown Texas there's a lot of them but they don't make it obvious though but they are giving sexually transmitted diseases to these married men

  3. Why do young teens even do this, I can't relate. When I was 15 I met a teenage prostitute and I asked her why would she do something like that. She said he was taking care of her but she gave him all her money, sounds like she was taking care of him. My mom just raised me different I guess. I've also been propositioned by pimps multiple times and you seriously have to lack common sense, self respect and self esteem to fall into that trap.

  4. They legally can't put charges on them because they're minors, but they're still treating them like perps. If you want to break the cycle of abuse- stop treating victims like perpetrators. Don't put a 16 year old victim of sex trafficking in handcuffs!!!!

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