Teen Love Triangle Ends In Death – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Teen Love Triangle Ends In Death – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

A teenage love triangle ends with one person dead, another arrested and many people asking: Was justice really served? Michelle Sigona has the story for Crime Watch Daily.

More on this story here: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2016/12/07/teen-love-triangle-street-fight-over-boyfriend-ends-in-death/

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21 thoughts on “Teen Love Triangle Ends In Death – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. I’m not saying Sara deserved it but she shouldn’t have went after Rachel and she shouldn’t have constantly bothered her and assaulted her. The villain here is the boyfriend that was playing them both. They both should’ve got revenge and beat his ass

  2. 0:05 “Two beautiful girls in love with one bad boy.”
    The boy didn’t stab anyone. If the girls melanin levels were as high as his, they’d be described as “bad” too.🤔🧐

  3. Idk…the mom smiles super hard when talking about Josh…it's kinda creepy….on the Snapped episode…she was almost gushing over him ewww

  4. “What did these girls see in Josh??”

    These girls were no prizes!! They had low self-esteem. Emotionally unstable. They were violent. No thanks!!

  5. This case needs to be appealed and with cause, Rachel's conviction overturned with cause and Josh and/or anothers charged with minimum negligent instigation manslaughter or 2nd Murder. The knife and knifing needs reexamined and meticulously scrutinized for two reasons (1) Applebee's owned the knife and thus should have been held responsible for its EOD inventory of such articles and (2) the probable likelihood Rachel actually delivered just one wound which may have been the nonlethal wound and one other person may have had a 2nd knife involved in the raucous tragedy. (STONERS LIKE AND CARRY KNIVES) Indeed also the 911 caller's voice undoubtedly reflects a stoner monotonic voice proving drug use was in the mix and whomever contributed the drugs should shoulder culpable liability as well.

  6. all three are responsible. both girls could have talked things out and figured out exactly what was going on instead of going at each other. and Josh bears some responsibility for letting all of it happen, and even ecouraging one, if not both, of them to go after the other. he could have easily prefented it from happening. so yeah, i dont really hold sympathy for any of the three involved.

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