15-year-old Earl Valentine died of gunshot wounds while protecting his mother Keisha from an attack in their home. Valentine called 911 to get help before he died. Earl Valentine Sr., Keisha’s ex-husband, confessed to the killing on Facebook Live.
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I don’t know why this particular story hurts me so bad. Hearing him a call really broke my heart. Rest in peace young man I am so sorry that happened to you
There is nothing in this world that could possibly hurt this man then what was waiting for him after he died. You know he went straight to hell. Evil people get what's coming to them after they die. I am so sorry for This woman's loss cuz I lost my daughter to a gunshot wound to her head recently. There is nothing like the feel of losing your child because it is so indescribable that there is no way you can fullheartedly understand the extreme grief and depression and sadness that overwhelms you as a parent when you lose your child. Especially a gunshot. My prayers are with this Mom and her daughter along with her family and friends. May God have his hands on you and help you through this grief. I am so sorry for you
He was a hctib
Never forgotten ❤ Rest peacefully Earl lll
Her family is very devastated…
This is heartbreaking 💔 RIP 🙏 Earl 😔😔
Horrifically tragic.
Keyshia you WILL WALK AGAIN. I was told I'd never walk again. In a year I was on my feet. That was 17 yrs ago, been walking ever since !!! Once you're up, avoid wheelchairs and electronic carts, refuse help unless you really need it. PUSH THRU BABY, YOU CAN DO IT.
You’re in a much better place 💔
i wish i had her strength and faith.. God bless her and her family
Basically The Whole Situation Summed Up
Victim (Son): My mom and I have been shot. We are critically injured. We are dying.
Dispatcher: What did you say?
Victim (Son): ….
Dispatcher: Hello? Heeelllllllooooooooo?!
So tragic
Man this is messed up. You can actually hear that kid's voice getting weaker on the phone. 😡😡😡
Man, fuck these interviewers. They ask they actual dumbest fucking questions.
Yeah sad story but why she treating the interview like an audition
What shameless dickhead of a coward he was may he rest in hell
That's what happens when everyone can buy a gun so easily
Her son is a hero and that poor mom….
These ninjas crazy.
911 – get an address first. She is saying, excuse me, repeating the son.
Omg this is so sad that poor boy. He was a hero and used any strength he had left to save his mom. The tears in his sisters eyes show so much pain. Rip Earl.
Too sad 😢 rip Earl
What are the dislike for???
I feel bad for the sister
I’m so sorry for you and your son! Very sad that a father would do that! I wish you well in your recovery!
Dude snapped
Fuccin Coward
Ŕip earl
I like how Early Sr didn't admit to murdering his son on the video, only his wife. Like he's just some husband done wrong, not the despicable coward he truly is
lol to them
This just broke me down 😇 Praying for everybody
This is saddddd
Why do women make baby's with these types of dudes smh
My goodness this is sad😢
feel so bad for them, her son was a true hero R.I.P
I think people need to start doing background checks on their partners to see if they have a criminal record or mental issues. Also if they come from a highly disfunctional family run for the hills. Still no guarantee he won’t be psychopath but it helps filter out some of the bad partners.
Excuse me for saying this I'm not racist but I hope they lynch this fucker for killing his child.
If someone is your EX please move on with your life LADIES PLEASE VET THESE MEN ANY RED FLAGS I MEAN ANY RED FLAGS don’t paint them a different color ….and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET THESE 911 operators some TRAINING
Wtf? This dude was definitely on drugs
He pulled a gun on his own daughter for money and the wife thought his threats were sarcastic?? She was in denial about his rage. He didn't love anybody but himself
Congratulations to this young man for saving his mother a ture hero
Rip to a real fuckin warrior Earl III
Earl was more man than his father could ever be.