Teen Disappears After Gas Station Trip – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 4)

Teen Disappears After Gas Station Trip – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 4)

17-year-old Alexis Murphy disappeared in August 2013. After she went missing, the car she was driving was found abandoned in a theater parking lot. Security footage showed an unidentified individual getting out of her vehicle. Further security footage showed a man with a distinct neck tattoo trailing behind her in a gas station. Randy Taylor was found guilty of first degree murder in her case.

Read Crime Watch Daily’s article about this story for more information: https://crimewatchdaily.com/2017/02/10/alexis-murphy-remains-missing-as-her-convicted-killer-appeals-for-deal/

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30 thoughts on “Teen Disappears After Gas Station Trip – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 4)

  1. Why can't `the judge lie that they will give 20 years of sentence if the criminal tells where the body is? I know lying is not nice, but for sure it is lesser of a crime than murder right? Don't the parents have the right to be able to go to the grave of their daughter?

  2. It is absolutely terrifying that these monsters walk amongst us. For real, wtf. If we brought back public executions, not this they go to sleep peacefully trash, it would prevent lots of this madness.

  3. Had a black man been found guilty of abducting and killing a white girl and even with no body found but with the exact same evidence found in his trailer, he would of without a doubt been convicted and given the death penalty in the state of Virginia. But it wasn't a white girl that went missing.

  4. Randy Taylor has to be the ugliest and bone chilling man I’ve ever seen. His picture makes me sick, he looks like a monster. I can’t imagine what was going through Alexis’ head when he attacked her. What a nightmare. I hope she is resting in peace.

  5. What an evil man. He lies and tries to point the finger at another person. Then, when that doesn’t work, he tries to bargain by telling them where her body is to lower his sentence. Evil, evil, evil. Do not ever let him out!!!

  6. Thats a lie. They didnt suspect jesse for samantha. they went like a mf after randy. 3:36 pfft terrible wrong. 4:30 Taylor, however, insists he was at home 30 minutes away, making the
    phone calls while his young son slept. "I would never leave him alone,"
    says Taylor, acknowledging there's no one to verify his story.

    sam lived in an apt. he had no issue going on in the media 10 months before AM. 10 months they on him like you know what. Some reason took eye off him.


  7. im confused how he connect with these girls. and where u gonna have to knock my ass out to get me in your car. on the phone how and y they speaking to this 47 year old man.

  8. It makes me sick and I hate that they won’t tell where victims bodies after they have been caught and prosecuted. They should be kept in forever until they give answers to police so that the family can lay their loved one to rest xxx

  9. If they get enough evidence to charge Mr. Taylor with Samantha's murder, they should set him up. Tell him they will accept his offer to reveal the location of Alexis's body and shorten his sentence to 20 years, then once they get her body and he thinks he's outsmarted the system, drop Samantha's murder charge on him and let him know his newfound 20-year-sentence is about to be converted to a death sentence.

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