Teenager Alyssa Bustamante wrote in her journal about doing the unthinkable to 9-year-old girl Elizabeth Olten before heading off to church. Crime Watch Daily’s Melissa McCarty investigates what happened.
Teen Brags In Diary About 9-Year-Old’s Death – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

i luv alyssa ❤❤❤❤
why is this video up here twice on this channel with different thumbnails
Alyssa Bustamante needs life in jail for women. If they guve her parole abd release her. Then there's no justice. She'll kill again well knowing her. Come on judge do your job😂
small town
village psycho recipe complete
She doesn't really deserve jail she needs a mental hospital for like 2 years and a therapist
Yeah she was calm during questioning because she's a psychopath but it also doesn't mean when someone is anxious is considered guilty. These man smh
Lesson if you want to kill someone put yourself in their shoes btw no literally am trying to say if you want to kill someone would you like someone to kill and if you do remember your family or there family
The story ends before the story ends. So if you want to be aggravated, go ahead and watch it.
I know what ####### says
This is why I hate the media. If you're going to share a story. At least share it with honesty and respect. Fabricating detail after detail does nothing good for anyone on either side of the crime, and on top of that, it can be even more toxic in the long run for those who watch these videos. There's billions upon billions of total views on these kinds of cases. This short clip alone is at 6.5 million. Everyone so eager to share their own unique thoughts and perceptions based upon the same stories. Although unique is hard to find, but by covering these household name crimes your videos get the views so whatever right? To take already sad and brutal crimes like this, and catapult them into forever top trending news for a sick and desperate desire for attention? That is a mental illness. A case like this is bad enough on its own, but you wannabe media journalists need your part in the circus show, and remember, we are not really living in circus, nor the Matrix. I don't pop pills anymore. So I'm not on the red team nor blue team, because I don't like ultimatums, and I don't pick sides. Just because society is divided, doesn't mean that I am. I am eternally undivided. I'm just living in a divided society. I'm just sitting all by myself in the garden, at the middle tree, waiting to be judged for eating another damn apple and receiving more serpent knowledge. My desire to seek curiosities has always been my curse, and the only blessing that I need is the breath of life. Only professionals never beginners should stick their head inside the mouth of a lion, but either way, it's still ignorant to me.
Why do you assume 15 years old girl is incapable to dig a deep hole?
Love you alyssa bustamante tmj siempre
Never leave your daughter with anybody.
self-harm… sadistic?
yes, what she did was absolutely unforgivable and disgusting but comments like that which I can imagine Alyssa would receive a lot because she literally never got help for her clearly destroyed her mental health. all of this could have been avoided if they helped her.
People in the comment section are roasting the grandma and I can’t help but wonder if she had mobility issues preventing her from checking her granddaughter’s room. After my mother tore her ACL, she wasn’t able to monitor what I was doing in my upstairs bedroom.
This is another example of why I support abortions. There are too many retarded kids that should've been aborted.
Sorry but all I can say is, it is a shame she didn’t commit suicide the world would be a better place and that little girl would still be alive. We all have our crosses to bear some worse than others yes but this is no excuse to murder a little girl, pure evil she is.
Is this supposed to say Part 2?
Also I watched this girls interrogation in another video, watched her grandmother cry and scream hearing she killed the girl, listened to the interrogation of her boyfriend where he breaks down and tells the police he is afraid that she might kill him and hurt his family too because she told him what he did and it makes him afraid to say anything.
poor girl
This is Part 2. Should be renamed
What a nightmare, and a few days before halloween. Her bedroom looked liked it had been decorated by Charlie Manson. Alyssa's boyfriend was interrogated hard and finally admitted to knowing what had happen to the victim. Alyssa told her boyfriend she had murdered a small child.
Prozac (fluoxetine) was most commonly linked to aggression, increasing violent behavior 10.9 times. I read reports Alyssa' prozac dosage was increased prior to homicide.
Did the prozac play a role in this violent act ? Who prescribed prozac to Alyssa? Was it a family practitioner or a Psychiatrist ?
I could punish her with s..
She's hot and she's stuck, that's the problem.
So this is supposed to be the part 2 right?
When they ."this just never happens in a small town" and they were a perfect family..I know the story is going be be pretty bad
Message to True Crime Daily…
This is marked as pt. 1, but it is actually pt. 2.
4:10 “The walls are covered with bizarre writings”
No…that’s a lyric. From a song. These guys really need to put more effort in familiarizing themselves with teen culture.
Yes, this is part 2.
If the stuff on her rooms walls wasn’t enough I don’t know what was….so what type of adults lived in this household? They damn sure don’t need to be responsible for any more children
How do parents not realize their daughter’s room is covered in sketches in blood?
Whres part 2 ?
She will probably be hired by the intelligent services
the way they talk about self harm frustrates me so much, this is why people don’t open up about self harm because of the shitty stigma around it. it’s not a “sadistic secret”
I’m actually really oddly interested in this.
Prozac kills.
She saved a kid from a lifetime of hooror and tourtured. A hero in my book. Those who on purpose have children should be thrown in prison. An act of Mercy. Sick sick world none of us asked.to.be here and survive y'all till the dates arelucky enough to die
I can't help but feel for her just as much as I do the little girl. I think if someone saw the signs and cared enough to get her help early on, things would of turned out differently. It's just a tragedy in all directions.
Is this Part 2?
A young Gwyneth Paltrow – 0:59
Bad things happen every where !
What kinda crazy bitch?
Think about if she didn’t write that in her diary, she might have got away with it.
This is what happens when kids grow up without solid parents. That's the root cause in all of these types of incidents.
Alyssadailene_bustamante su user de instagram
I'm guessing this is part two?
i want to know how i can find chris hansen narrorating ? 🙂
they flash her mug shot on the screen way too much lol
this sum criminal minds shit
Am I the only one who is bothered by the two (pt. 1) 's