Taylor Schabusiness Faces Sentencing for Beheading Lover in Gruesome Murder Case

Taylor Schabusiness Faces Sentencing for Beheading Lover in Gruesome Murder Case

The Wisconsin woman who murdered her lover and proceeded to decapitate him is set to appear in court on Tuesday for sentencing. Taylor Schabusiness beheaded Shad Thyrion after choking him to death with a chain dog collar and then proceeded to dismember his body while committing gruesome sexual acts in the process. Schabusiness may address the court, including Thyrion’s family, before the judge hands down a sentence. The Law&Crime Network’s Elizabeth Millner breaks down what’s next for Schabusiness.

Elizabeth Millner: https://twitter.com/_emillner

#TaylorSchabusiness #Wisconsin #LawAndCrime

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30 thoughts on “Taylor Schabusiness Faces Sentencing for Beheading Lover in Gruesome Murder Case

  1. Every single mf in this case is bizarre and weird af. Why are people trying to say she isn't insane?? She's very obviously nuckin futs. Mixed with meth, absolutely psychoooo. A maximum security mental institution, I've been told, is worse than prison so, wherever TF they choose to dump this trash, as long as it's max security and is stripped of all things joyous and is as miserable as possible, sounds good to me

  2. The societal narrative that women are sweet and demure and complying and able to be told what to do is finally exposing itself to be a Patriarchal lie. To have a mother that was attentive and sweet and kind is as rare as Rocking-horse poop. Like a father will be strong and protective and never lie. Its all BS. The law books still consider females to be unable to commit heinous crimes. Why are you all so shocked? Only males have this capacity? Wake up!

  3. This woman is insane.

    I’m amazed as to how any jury member- let alone a psychologist- could deem her mental state as ‘normal’ or ‘sane’.

    How absurd.

  4. 100% malingering. Drama queen is wasting her time. Just because a criminal has mental illness does not mean they are insane or was insane at the time of the crime. Insanity defense doesn't even exist in several States so not all courts support it. Another thing, even if its proven a person was insane at the time of a crime does not mean you get to go home.

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