‘Take Care of Maya’ Family Fights Johns Hopkins Over Alleged Child Abuse and Mother’s Death

‘Take Care of Maya’ Family Fights Johns Hopkins Over Alleged Child Abuse and Mother’s Death

A unique courtroom face-off is unraveling in Florida between a family and Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital over claims of child abuse, accusations of a fake illness, and a loved one’s death. The trial involves Maya Kowalski and her family — who were the center of the popular “Take Care of Maya” documentary on Netflix. The Law&Crime Network’s Jesse Weber breaks down both sides of the story.

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45 thoughts on “‘Take Care of Maya’ Family Fights Johns Hopkins Over Alleged Child Abuse and Mother’s Death

  1. I'm a recovering addict and I've been to prison with the worst kind of people and let me tell you, I've met more KILLERS that are better people than these GRANDIOSE NARCISSISTIC DOCTORS. Let that sink in. I've met murderes who are better people than most doctors.

  2. 1st responsibility is to cover themselves and tbeir doctors Same here in europe. Mistakes are made and people suffer badly. Some even die and rich doctors just walk away. Im so sorry Maya so sad for all the pain and suffering you your parents brother have had inflicted on you by these incompetent know it all doctors socual workers and the hosp management.

  3. Maya should raise this as human rights abuse to the UN.
    Literally, her rights as child, protected by the UN, was trampled on.
    She will not get justice from the sam judicial system that sanctioned her imprisonment.

  4. Both of these children did so well under questioning maya & kyle were raised in a loving emotionally stable environment & the way the carry themselves speaks volumes of who mom & dad are & I don’t see abused children

  5. Whole case is gut wrenching I can’t imagine feeling as if I need to take my own life to save my child being that desperate & broken feeling as if this was the only way to get my child home

  6. I have this disease but it was called RSD when I was diagnosed 10yrs ago. If the dr didn't make mistakes I could have been cured according to my dr, now.
    It is the worst pain I have ever had.
    It was in just one hand but now it's spread to all my extremities. I was a critical care nurse but this dx took my house and my awesome job, Thank you Dr. for the misdiagnosis.
    At least I have wonderful dr's now. I broke my ankle bc I fall alot, and had surgery with hardware placed and the RSD/CRPS spreads from any trauma to the body but my new dr did a nerve block right away and gave me a few yrs of no pain in one leg, but they told me it will spread eventually, anyway.
    I hope Maya is doing well❤❤

  7. This will alter the hospital’s way of practice, and withdrawing the professional’s medical licence’s will not justify the damage they caused. It’s sickening to believe that power, in the wrong hands is a deadly weapon especially the narcissists.

  8. Βγήκε η απόφαση 220 εκατομμύρια για την ζημιά που έκαναν οι και καλά Γιατροί και νοσηλευτές αυτού του απαισιου Νοσοκομείο. Αλλά αυτοκτόνησε αυτη η υπέροχη Μητέρα και αυτο δεν Αναπληρώνει Ούτε με Ολα τα δις ΤΟΥ ΚΌΣΜΟΥ. ΜΠΡΑΒΟ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΚΑΙΟΣΎΝΗ ΠΟΥ ΕΠΙΤΕΛΟΎΣ ΈΔΕΙΞΕ ΤΟ ΣΩΣΤΌ ΠΡΌΣΩΠΟ

  9. Two more reasons to never go to Florida. 1/ Rank Republican disregard for due process with real justice and 2/ excessive awards instead of the first reason reasonable fines and real imprisonment. God Money rules apparently. Sociopaths understand money.

  10. I have tremendous respect for that dad. I simply can’t imagine what this family went through over these years. May God grant them healing . My deepest sympathies. The trauma this family experienced is tremendously heartbreaking…

  11. The abusive, authoritarian attitudes Health and Social workers establish to the people in need, are more and more frequents. Ill people or people in need shouldn’t be trashed but listened.😢😢😢😢😢

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