Hailey Dunn was just 13 years old when she was reported missing. What would happen in the hours before would be a troubling mystery — one with several different stories. Melissa McCarty reports.
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Hailey Dunn was just 13 years old when she was reported missing. What would happen in the hours before would be a troubling mystery — one with several different stories. Melissa McCarty reports.
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This is not a mother. She is a lying POS. Maybe she didn't do it but should definitely be held accountable for whatever part she played!
The boyfriend was indicted and charged with murder and tampering with evidence in 2021
They failed that poor child.
Put that child at rest.
the father said I don't want to
"Find his daughter in the country"
But the bf is sketchy as fk.
Both are odd…
There's a point at 1:10 the 1:14 that he looks up at here as she's crying for the cameras.
It looks as if he's concealing a laugh and further that he's analyzing her "act" to see if it's in fact believable.
It's a small piece but after hearing the story…..chilling.
As a mom myself… the mother isn't acting right. She isn't a mother grieving deeply. It almost seems as if her tears are for herself
One tooth can really be identified? Doubtful… they probably used dna
First story I've not seen tears from the parents when discussing it.
The mom dont give a crap about her daughter and is obviously the boyfriend who killed her
An arrest has not been made because if they lose the case with less-than-perfect evidence, he's pretty much off the hook (double jeopardy).
her boyfriend did it and she probably knows more than she is letting off
Two pieces of trailer trash, sorry. She knows what happened. So does he.
The mother irritates me her disposition,attitude,demeanor and her whole thought process is ugly and the unawareness she portrays is bothersome as a mother it's like she's another planet I feel as though she should be locked up along with her boyfriend she unconscious about her only child missing and dead…….. I SAY THROW THE FAMILY AWAY 🙄
I see this was aired 4 yrs ago.
And no arrests , that's disgusting.
It's so obvious the mom & boyfriend
Sean and Especially his dad are evil
Boyfriend got arrest on 2 million dollar bond in June ✌🏻
Person of interest arrested, charged with Hailey Dunn’s murder in 2010
Published: Jun. 14, 2021 at 5:39 PM CDT|Updated: Jun. 15, 2021 at 2:30 PM CDT
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) – It has been 11 years since 13-year-old Hailey Dunn vanished from Colorado City. On Monday, the person of interest in the case, Shawn Casey Adkins, was arrested in Howard County and charged with murder. He is being held on a $2 million bond.
Shawn Casey Adkins has been arrested and charged with the murder of Hailey Dunn, 10 years after…
Shawn Casey Adkins has been arrested and charged with the murder of Hailey Dunn, 10 years after she went missing from Colorado City, Texas.(Howard County Sheriff's Office)
Texas Rangers tell KCBD Shawn Adkins was arrested and charged in connection to Hailey Dunn’s murder.
Dunn disappeared in December of 2010 when she was just 13 years old. Nearly three years later she was found near Lake J.B. Thomas in Scurry County.
Through the years, Adkins has only been a person of interest. Adkins was Hailey’s mother’s boyfriend at the time of her disappearance.
Texas Rangers tell KCBD Shawn Adkins (right) was arrested on Monday and charged in connection…
Texas Rangers tell KCBD Shawn Adkins (right) was arrested on Monday and charged in connection to Hailey Dunn’s murder that happened more than 10 years ago
The 32nd Judicial District of Texas for Nolan, Mitchell and fisher Counties released a statement saying:
The 32nd Judicial District Attorney’s Office would like to confirm that Shawn Adkins has been arrested in connection to the murder of Hailey Dunn. Our office has not and will not be releasing any details of this case. Information will be released by public record and court proceedings, in due process. This has been a multi-county and multi-agency effort and is still under investigation. Any statements made that have not been provided by the 32nd Judicial District Attorney’s Office, have not been made by our direction. Our office believes the integrity of this case should be preserved until a time that it can be properly presented m a court of law.
Adkins was moved from the Howard County jail to the Mitchell County jail on Tuesday, June 15, 2021.
Mother is so careless. A Man before her child, and she knows it. Her mother should hold herself responsible. Why is Shawn not in jail? Some cases go to trial without a body.
Did she really just say “you failed a lie detector test where is my baby ? bitch you failed it too
"Its very important" …. to not have her bones on a shelf at a lab smh no bitch what important is look after your damn kid in the first place.
The attorney looks like a wanna be trump with that spray tan
Okay, I'm one who listens VERY intently on the words of choice people use. There's something very off about the mother. She knows something.
Mom knows! She still doesn’t know how, but that boyfriend surely failed twice and knew exactly where Haley’s body would be WHATS GOING ON?
Too little, too late, her standing by him
I think that he was sexually assaulting her and killed her so she couldn't go to the cops
Her attorney is orange from a spray tan lmao