Tammy Daybell’s sister, Samantha Gwilliam, testified in court Friday about her relationship with Tammy, her children and marriage with her husband Chad Daybell. Gwilliam said she found it extremely odd that Tammy’s funeral was so soon after her death and was ‘devastated’ when she learned Chad had married Lori Vallow Daybell just two weeks after Tammy died. Lori is currently on trial for her children’s and Tammy’s murders.
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LDS is a common theme in all this. Religion is very, very dangerous. It is the perfect weapon.
What was the point of most of the defences questioning? It was meaningless.
Tammie did not die she was killed
Cant listen to Priors hypocrisy makes me 🤢🤮
She took antidepressants but who wouldnt being married to doughboy.
Daybell and vallow have corsed so much misery I feel so much sadness for their family and friends and not to mention two children dead 5 more without their beautiful mother. Degusting behaviour I really do feel they should throw away the keys when they are finally lock up. No forgiveness.
who is back here because they are watching Chad's trial?
These two were serial killers. And attempted to kill another guy but luckily he was not hurt. I wonder who was next.
Little known part of this story is that Chad had also decided his youngest son was dark and they were in the process of getting life insurance on him. I suppose Chad had to prove he was willing to one of his kids as she had killed hers.
Chad is a lazy unattractive slug. It’s too bad that Tammy didn’t off load that creep years before. However, look at what her 5 children did to honor their mother’s memory. Very sad. IMO. Spelling edits.
Edit: add comment below.
Chad’s books sound like crap. Chad needed Tammy more than Tammy needed Chad. My theory is that Chad and Lori actually thought they were going to have a lot of money and Charles Vallow’s change of beneficiary blew up their plan. Also: Chad’s lawyer comes off as having a condescending/nasty tone. It makes him unlikeable to me. Just my opinion.
So Tammy was depressed? No surprises! She looked after a large family for decades; she was the bread winner; her husband was a lazy hack who did nothing; he pressed all his religious nonsense on her; and he mesmerised her children with his preposterous and ego-driven, horrendous beliefs; he cheated on her with a murderer; he didn’t take any of her health issues seriously…. She took care of this whole family in the REAL WORLD- and he killed her so that he could go and play in la la land! It is time that their children WAKE UP and realise which of their parents is the true hero. (PS. It is NOT Daddy Dearest.)
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.
I think David Warwick and Melanie Gibb got married to not testifying against one another in court when everyone figures out that those 2 are way more involved in this crime !!
Got to wonder if Daybell forbid his kids to be there. I just can’t believe they are not there. Unless they’re gonna be called?
No children omg Chad sure tried to rewrite his life, but, facts
The defense’s questions seemed to lead no where and prove nothing. You could feel her anger over Chad’s lies and behavior
This religion is nothing but a cult. The head of the church is not Christ but a guy named Joe Smith. Even the elect would be deceived if it were possible.
JP And CD are total WORMS
31:50 What a charming POS,isn't he??😂😂
Are his kids supporting him because in the Mormon faith, the man is the leader of the family? And if they pull away from the family, they don’t get to go to heaven or some crazy nonsense?
Mormons do get married very quickly if one is divorced or widowed. I don’t even know if it’s based on love or just companionship, but the Mormon church encourages marriage. So his marrying Lori quickly is not terribly strange based on Mormon beliefs.
If I was married to Chad id be depressed too .
After my mom died my stepdad was dating someone else within 2 weeks and married within a year.
Chad Dumbell – what a piece of work.
What on earth is the point Or reason for the questioning of Tammy's sister about the book publishing details what's it got to do with anything ?
Tammy's sister is going to lie because she wants the insurance money. The vouchers are coming out, so is the devil. And this is crazy. These people want the money too. We'll get on the stand and testify and lie about anything next.
Zero points for the defense on this one!!
Her husband was shot by her brother & considered “self defense” & Tammy died of “natural causes” & no autopsy was done until the investigation began. If she hadn’t killed her kids. Like if the kids hadn’t gone missing. They might have gotten away with it.
Worthless Lori spawned zombies… thankgoodness priesthood holding Chad knew how to battle them… 🍖
Lovely sketch of a beautiful Lady RIP Ms Daybell 😢
Ty to Tammy sister!
Lori and Chad should not ever see the light of day! 😡
Why is the picture of chad and lori on the screen whilst a traumatic sister is sitting in the dock
CHAD THE CAD. He definitely behaved dishonorably with regards to his wife Tammy. He is the perfect description of a "CAD", in my opinion. 😡
R.I.P. Tammy. Sending my condolences to her family and friends.
Chad is disgusting, lying pos! He's no prophet.
Why do these kids continue a relationship with killers?. This guys kids are doing it. O.js 4 kids did it. The man who killed the 4 students his family supports him. They really need to study why the family members support these evil people. I'd never ever talk to my father if he did such a thing.
He knew they were going to be empty nesters because he knew they were going to take them out. 😢
🤬🤬🤬 Chad is the devil in disguise. One 1️⃣ f the many walking this earth
Public schools in the US that don’t have computers . Gee, so much for being the most powerful and wealthiest nation on the planet
RIP Tammy. Justice Will Be Served.
The kids of Tammy are as deceived as everyone that was around them during this whole killing spree. Demonic.
A beautiful drawing of Tammy