Sisters Killed In Front Of Toddler, Killer Still Wanted – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

Sisters Killed In Front Of Toddler, Killer Still Wanted – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

Jean Weevens Janvier, 34, is wanted for allegedly killing Stephanie and Judith Emile, execution style in their apartment in Dorchester, Massachusetts in November 2011. They were allegedly killed in front of Judith’s 2-year-old niece. The U.S. Marshals has Javier on its 15 Most Wanted list.

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31 thoughts on “Sisters Killed In Front Of Toddler, Killer Still Wanted – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 3)

  1. Thankfully he was caught, charged, & convicted! He was sentenced to life in prison! His mom was hiding him at her house in Hati, & she should be locked up too for aiding/hiding a fugitive; as well as any other family members who knew where he was! I hope the toddler who was there that day, (whos now probably 11) is ok; as well as the other sister who hid in the closet!

  2. 6 places Haitians love to live, Georgia, Florida, Canada ,Jersey, NY and Massachusetts. I once heard some Haitians speaking creole in Las Vegas, I was shocked, like “what are yaw doing all the way out here, they were an older couple. California Haitians tend to me removed from the Haitian community, they’re all the way American. You won’t even know that they’re Haitian sometime.

  3. Thankfully that son of a BITCH is behind bars were this animal belongs. Hopefully, he dies behind bars and never steps out of prison for the heinous murders he committed against those two young women.

  4. I am lifelong resident of Boston.i also lended my expertise in missing person cases aswell as homicides and suicides with Tom Shamshak.1st-R.I.P may you both find peace your family and friends too.The sister Stephanie prior to breaking the relationship off took a black jordan shoebox from Jean in which it contained little under 5,000.00.combo of that and the breakup made him feel like a sucker a punk.the older sister DID NOT like him at all and she did tell her sister to break it off but his spite for her ran deeper due to verbal dispute..they didn't deserve to die regardless.Truth always shines thru.

  5. The brother had the audacity to direct them out of that raggedy gate. I don’t understand people… I know that if my siblings commit cold blooded murder and there is strong proof, don’t count on me to protect you in any kind of way. What makes the brother feel like he can walk around with contempt and closed mouth as if it is his siblings who were murdered. An apology will not bring them back but at the very least express some type of remorse on behalf of your murderous brother.

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