Jean Weevens Janvier, 34, is wanted for allegedly killing Stephanie and Judith Emile, execution style in their apartment in Dorchester, Massachusetts in November 2011. They were allegedly killed in front of Judith’s 2-year-old niece. The U.S. Marshals has Javier on its 15 Most Wanted list.
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I'm waiting for some stupid idiot to make a stupid comment about something…I'm not gone say it because if someone didn't, I don't want them to hear my statement then decide to say it.
Story of a real nigga-
pretty young sisters? where?
I remember these days. When crime watch used to pull up at people's house. Yes women beware of the redflags. I got out of a toxic situation last year that could've ended like this. Remember your instincts is always right.
Jesus that poor baby 😔 wtf is wrong with people 🤬 what’s happening with our world
"what did this 2 year old say to you" ey these interviewers sometimes🤦♂️
It broke my heart when the brother was talking about the sister and said “every morning she would wake up and say are you hungry do you want anything” 😩😩 that’s how us big sisters are we love to show our love thru acts of service and taking care of ppl
… he gon’ have to answer to God for this one . SICK !
How could anyone bring themselves to help someone like this get away..
I'm thankful the sicko didn't harm the child…
They seemed like nice young ladies… And the youngest would have been such an asset to the 🚑 profession as a nurse particularly during this pandemic… So sad…
I remember hearing about this case on the news, cause im from Ma. But let me say Dorchester is NOT safe by any means what so ever, thats one of the worst places you can live! Thankfully one of the sister's ex boyfriends was charged & convicted of the murders, & he recieved life in prison! I really hope the toddler (whos 11 now) is doing ok!
This is my city! Boston stand ☝. RIP to those beautiful women
Its always someone who is productive, young. What a waste of life. Why are we killing each other? Its messed up.
Man, hope they have like 3 more sisters or her identity is obvious from this story. Esp if he knew the family situation and how many siblings there were smh
Sidebar… Michelle Sigona is one of my favorite crime reporters! She is a kind & compassionate interviewer, just like Ana Garcia. I love watching both of them reporting! Their poise, professionalism, & sucess give me hope as an aspiring female reporter❤❤❤
Heartbreaking crime, chilling that the killer would be so cruel in front of a precious innocent baby!
There’s soooo many Haitians in Boston. I have a lot of family there
"Led us to believe she was brushing her teeth"….um…great detective work
What good about going after the suspects even if they don’t talk is that they are putting pressure on them. All of their neighbors, friends and family see them running and acting guilty.
If you’re tryna run away from trouble and come to Boston, never ever stay in Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, Roxbury, Blue Hill Ave, Milton. Stay away from those areas. There’s always shooting every day and night. Stay out west of Boston like, newton, Burlington, waltham, belmont etc
Stay in Haiti we have enough free riders from other countries
Picket fence is alot of work not for everyone..
Damn that's scary
Glad I don't light up a room fuck that
Light up the room🤔🤔🤔👀👀
I wonder who lived their before them.
3:51 freaked me out.. Tf? Lol
There are jealous people out there who can't stand to see you get ahead and they they don't want you to have anything or get ahead of them
4.26 She says your 'brother was bleeding from mouth'
How Are you killed READING the Bible. GOD REALLY?????
Awww the fact that she was holding that bible 😔
Why do all the victims on crime watch "light up a room" before they die?……Im glad I dont light up rooms….smh🤦
Omg this is so sad thank god that young baby survived so sad to the sisters
Moment i view any episod pray hard the killers will be caught. Angry when it is not.
Beantown stand up VILLA PARK 3'Z UPDATED
Hold up. Wait.
That book being read, within it, says it's the shield and sword.
Yeah. Ok.
Why did he do that? Why do they never disclose murders reasoning!!! & where is part 2!?!
Today, he just got sentenced to life.