Single mother Paige Birgfeld went missing in 2007. The single mom ran an escort service before she was kidnapped and murdered.
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Single mother Paige Birgfeld went missing in 2007. The single mom ran an escort service before she was kidnapped and murdered.
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Why can’t we get these vids in full not pt1 pt7 play it all at once
No part 4???
Lester the Molester
Dog these are so good
Im sorry but like the name lester already shoots red flags😂
This is what happens when you make the wrong decisions. Sell the house and down size for the sake of the kids instead of being a whore and a pimp. Greed. No way she would leave her kids unless she had a customer. For one of her girls that is.
God bless, Jesus is coming back soon!
He's a bad man!!!A bad,bad man!!!And a horrible liar!!!😣😕🤔😴
I love this detective!😣😥🤐😫🙄😁
"It should" fell out of my chair… Hilarious!🤣 that lady reminds me of dam near every woman in my family. Lol!
that female detective is a badass 😍
I couldn't fucking IMAGINE what that poor wife was feeling. Imagine you go out of town, get a phone call and it's the police of your hometown calling to tell you that your husband is suspected in the disappearance and murder of a escort, and can you answer some questions for them? HOLY SHIT DUDE. I would have to ask them to meet me face to face because I would think someone was playing a cruel prank call on me.
Kids came first in her life, devoted mother and would never leave her kids. Did she take the little tykes along when she was banging her clients? When you enter into that
sordid world of sex for hire bad things often happen. Our lives are the result of the choices we make.
The female interviewer is great! Viagra and male wigs….ohhhh someone really knows what he needs…
Does not give him the reason to kill her
Idiot. He’s so closed up and looking hella nervous
That Lady is my fr'ckin HERO… "DOES IT MAKE YA NERVOUS That we think ya might have done somthing? –IT SHOULD" .. I know I wouldn't want her on my Ass.. LOL
what an idiot
Body language…..folded arms …leg between him and the cop…Says it all….
Watching many CWD back to back makes me think that every American is inherently a latent nutcase waiting for the slightest provocation to go berserk
Proof right here why they should NEVER allow rapist out of prison. All they do in prison is think about what they did wrong to be caught. So when they are released they think they wont be caught again. Normally the first time they are caught, the victim lives. Once out of prison, they seem to almost always kill the victims. Trying to eliminate the witness. Never allow these people out of prison. Best just to execute them.
“Other suspicious items include a stash of viagra, two female wigs..” wait😂
Lol he trys denying hes on camera even when its showed to him ??!!! LMAO!!! Omg dude just confess!!!
1 word ATTORNEY!!! LOL
The way he sits in the interview room with his legs all stretched out like that in the beginning is a hint that since he’s tall, he does have a different posture especially when he sits. He might extend his legs like that when driving.
His body language shows that he is afraid to be discovered. By keeping your arms crossed trying to show that you are relaxed and have nothing to hide you actualy show that you are trying to defend/hide your secret.
Sopiler alert before pt. 4 .it wasn't him !!!!
😂😂😂this man think he’s smart
that female detective is 1 tough cookie 💪🏽
Everyone is such a wonderful person after they're dead…..
Anyone else think he was framed? Why would he leave all this shit at his work. There's no way. A bra her size? Pampered chef shit? Escort shit. Why would he have some of those. At his work!!! He was framed there's no way. He'd be smart.