Single mother Paige Birgfeld went missing in 2007. The single mom ran an escort service before she was kidnapped and murdered.
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Single mother Paige Birgfeld went missing in 2007. The single mom ran an escort service before she was kidnapped and murdered.
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Poor hooker. 😢
She ran a prostitution ring. She attracted the worst element. I feel sorry for her children.
If she had made a decent effort to look for normal effort work instead of prostitution. What's her excuse for abandonning her children to go fuck strange men at night for money? Would this have happened if she had worked as a waiter, clerk or secretary… conveniently not a word mentioned of this child abuse and immorality.
Escort , like getting it in or cuddling
Wow could you imagine doing this job and then dying and it's all over the place that you were a call girl! Her poor children has heard or read all about her 2nd life.
Seems to me that she should have downsized and regrouped. Struggling to keep the lifestyle by working herself to death.
I love daddy's like this! He set up a get away bank account. My dad would definitely do something like this!🥰
But Those Voicemails.. This is horrible….
Good Rob=Makes Money
Bad Rob=Goes Broke
Empire ain't coming bck no time soon
This story is as so many stories, far too many stories is very disturbing, as well as upsetting.
Prayers and Sincere Condolences to this Woman's family
I believe in the Safety and Well-being Women, Children, and Men
This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:
For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…
Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…
No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.
Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…
My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,
I will continue Praying for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
Keep everyone SAFE
Your Life is important
Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
Jason Sandifer,
She shouldn't have been selling her ass if she cared so much about her kids. People stop softening this story. She's a lowlife.
Those voicemails from the kids are too painful to listen to 😪
So she's opens a pussy business? You wonder why it turn out bad? Stfu you make your bed!!!
It breaks my heart to see and hear about children going through terrible situations of parents being killed. BUT!! Parents who do things like this are inviting trouble.
Women do NOT need to do things like this. I see women who have kids engaging in this type of activity all around. Most because they are supporting a drug habit. Some because they claim they cant get jobs. TRUTH IS. They simply are too lazy to find jobs!! My prayers are for the kids. THEY are the ones who suffer the most.
Alright, who else read the title and thought, "Good."
Inb4 "Waah, you're a monster": No u.
That daughters voicemails is Just heartbreaking.
the only good whore is a dead whore
That little kid missing his mommy broke my heart.
Her kids voicemails sound coached to me🤷🏽♀️
hearing those voicemails… omg, so sad.
Her father is blind to his daughter's shortcomings.
She married a guy with money (at that point he's "good Rob"), but later in their marriage the money is drying up (and now he's "bad Rob")…what actually changed is that he married her….she turned him into "bad Rob".
She's this awesome mother, yet she leaves her kids alone so she can drive 200 miles for sex in a rest area.
As far as her claims about her ex being abusive, I'm calling B.S. I find it much more likely that she's simply a liar.
With 3 kids and a family for love and support, I don't understand why women still need a man. I'm 45, single and I live with my cat in my own Condo and I have family and students for love and support. I masturbate when I need to. No faking plus it's easier and faster. No sweaty thing on top. Desperate. And to turn to the lowest job ever with those 3 👼 at home?! Sell that damn house and down size if you have to for the kids sake! I wish I had known her! I would have shook her till I got it into her head!
Tv host looks like snooki
Even Gods heart broke listening to those voice mails 😢
God bless, Jesus is coming back soon!
Escort service is just a bullshit couple words used to dress up PROSTITUTION.
Why play the voicemail 😢😢😭😭😭😭 that was so sad man. Them kids were so distraught 😩 got me crying
Her kids were extremely worried, deep down I know they knew. Those children knew deep down. Heartbreaking. I can’t imagine the pain of losing their mother.
They have to 86 this horrific reporter she just can’t keep a normal face every conversation her face shows, like she is hearing end of the world news EVERY conversation it’s so atrocious!!!! It’s weird and not normal she is a horrible reporter!!!! FIRE her now before I throw up!!
It’s funny & sad how ppl murder other human being and try to go on w their normal life as if they won’t get caught
He's rich but she's pimpin
Caviar life in a corndog town 💀
All you people in the comments act like she didn't have a choice. The system would have have helped her to maintain the basics for the sake of the children. Food,clothing and shelter. She was used to an entitled lifestyle and not just juggling multiple businesses, but also multiple cocks .Her sins are as white as snow: PRIDE
Omg my heart is pounding…..them kids so sad but yet so brave. Wish I was there for them…that's my worst fear… kids like that if something was to happen to me…..I'd haunt the piece of shit
The poor baby on the voicemail is just heartbreaking
She left those kids home alone while she went on a 200 mile booty call. What a good mom.
Can we just call her what she is?? A pimp.