Sherri Papini’s Anonymous Donor Sits Down For Interview – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Sherri Papini’s Anonymous Donor Sits Down For Interview – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

Crime Watch Daily’s Chris Hansen interviews the anonymous donor who offered money for the release of Sherri Papini, a young mother who was reported missing after going for a run in Redding, California, where she lives with her two children and husband Keith Papini. Three weeks later, she was found on the side of a freeway and reported being taken by two Hispanic women. Crime Watch Daily also talks Papini’s friend Lisa Jeter and Cameron Gamble, who worked with the anonymous donor to encourage Papini’s release. Gamble calls himself an abduction survival expert who trains people to survive in captivity.

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35 thoughts on “Sherri Papini’s Anonymous Donor Sits Down For Interview – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 2)

  1. Oh I just got to the part where GI Joe said he truly believed that she was kidnapped and he said through Revenge. But he's a specialist in teaching the government how to do this thing here we all people are crazy clearly he didn't know what he was talking about

  2. All yall should feel and look dumb specially the GI Joe dude now the world is looking for you are tough and stupid listening to this goofy ass woman. This is why it's hard it's hard it's hard to believe these white women since they came from out of them mountains this is all they did was just lie and conniving trifling they are the worst. It's hard to believe anything they say out their mouth. She wanted some old boyfriend and she do all this for what. But White America go all out go through all types of resources to help in her lie. Like the homeless man who spent his past $20 to bring that white girl gas. Yall never thought once how heavy $20 worth of gas is. ⛽️ And for him to be homeless, what could he possibly have on hand to carry $20 worth of gas to her, which was a mile away. At what point do people start using common sense. Back to this story, why would 2 beautiful Spanish women want to take this bony blonde full of make up. Just why would they. The husband should've picked up on that himself. But as yall saw, they both enjoyed that money together. So did he really believe her story or did he go with the story.

  3. literally howling over so many of the comments, that didn't age well at all! Real life gone girl. I feel so bad for the husband as I believe he was completely in the dark about her whole scheme. At least he filed for divorce from that crazy wench.

  4. They’re frauds. I know a lot of y’all have huge hearts and that’s great but you gotta know their are a lot of people out there that fraud things like this , one man went missing for 20 years and it turned out he had started a whole new life. It’s rarely a coincidence In cases like this. The phone lightly being placed in the grass with her headphones like an kidnapper is gonna touch a phone and neatly lay it on the ground for it to be found. Im huge into staying read up on the sex trafficking and I donate to alot of places that help fund ways to find them but this just screams fishy. I get why people are quick to believe it because the condition she came back , but there are people that shoot them selves just to have alibi . I don’t wanna assume because I do not know her I just know the story but based off what I’ve heard I don’t completely buy it and she knows that. Her not coming out and clarifying anything is where the hate comes from. You gotta remember the amount of money and time they put into these missing people investigations , in this case hundreds of people came out , so for her to magically reappear and not give the people who looked for her and believed her story as much as an acknowledgement and a thank you it’s just fish to me. Especially when the husband was literally crying on the tv every single day and then she comes back and no explanation? The cops are pissed too because it’s a lot of money that comes out of our pockets. Brian laundries search was like 500,000$ and it turned out he was dead. They take pretty blonde white girl missing cases very serious. I’m not sure if you’re aware probably not but there was a woman who was adducted that same day in the same place and she’s never been found.

  5. There’s an episode of Unsolved Mysteries that features a girl who complained about being stalked and no one believed her and then she was found dead in a horrific position all tied up and the cops said she did it to herself…

  6. Some Experts need to keep their credentials talents gifts and who schooled them or trained them private. For their own family's safety. Grow some common sense peeps ask some intelligent questions like why cant the elite teams find who did it what are they doing about it to prevent it from happening to other joggers or young girls. Turning their heads to the hard stuff maybe ?

  7. Glad someone cared enough to help go get her with their money and expertise time and heart glad he wasn't greedy with his money like most are. Most peeps to weak to help claiming not my problem. The fact that crime watched verified she had broken bones in her face and dispatch call said heavily batter shows me she was not lieing to get money. Or attention. I believe she staying quiet away from strangers because whoever's threaten her convinced her they would get her or her kids and she does not want that to happen again to her or her kids. U cant rely on cops to protect u. So her decision clearly is to protect her family by staying quiet if she knows who they are. I think someone was very jealous of her and did that to her a hater of course. I think she would feel better practicing shooting guns and take a private self defense class instead of jogging. Or in a class with others build her strength back . Glad the rich guy and negotiator guy got busy with a plan and took action. Cheers🍻🥂🍾🐴🦄🐴🦄🚣‍♀️🏄‍♀️🤗🐎🥾🐎🥾🙄😊Prayer is power use it. Persistently. Be a Angel not a Ahole or hater. Help others verses shit talk.🙄🏄‍♀️🚣‍♀️🏄‍♀️🚣‍♀️🏄‍♀️🚣‍♀️🍾🥂🍾

  8. People who are having a fit about the money. Do not give money if you want to tell someone how to use it. No one put a gun to your head. The money is theirs to use as they please, she is going to need a lot of therapy.

  9. I am still confused. This Cameron guy and this anonymous donor, OUT OF ALL the kidnapped victims all over just came out the wood works to this this one lady. All this kind of suspect. People questing him because they trying to find out if he lying because they trying to figure out why he surfaced if the bases of what is does is to be low key and not let people know where he operate. Has Sherri spoken about her incident?

  10. I don't believe this was hoaxed.The condition she was found in and the fact that her memory was so bad tells me that she had severe ptsd,and she was probably given date rape type drugs so her mind would be totally messed up.That could explain why she didn't mention a man.She could have been unconscious or really out of it most of the time.Everyone should just leave her alone and stop trying to glorify this into some kind of movie plot.🦋

  11. Nov. 24, 4:30 a.m.: On Thanksgiving morning, Sherri is spotted by a motorist on the side of I-5 about 150 miles from Redding. She tells police she was abducted and held captive by two adult Hispanic women — one with straight hair, one with curly hair, both of whom were armed. WHY ISN'T THE TIME STAMP ON THE VIDEO THAT CAPTURED THIS? THIS VIDEO CAME FROM A JW CHURCH, NOT THAT THEY HAD ANTHING TO DO WITH THIS, BUT THANK GOD THEY HAD A VIDEO SURVEILLANCE. MORE CHURCHES NEED VIDEO SURVEILLANCE TO PROTECT PEOPLE.

  12. Why do people criticize this guy when in the end they he did far more than the police, and Sherry was returned? That in and of itself is suspicious. Id want these people to help me if something bad happened to myself or a family member. People are aholes and ungrateful as can be. And those who don’t believe Papini – no wonder she is afraid to speak. Not only traumatized from the abduction but then people with nothing better to do than re-victimize from behind their computer screens. I wish all of these people who helped, and the Papini family the best. Good karma is on their side.

  13. People accuse because they cannot fathom a man being distraught and inconsolable with his missing wife. In an era of broken homes and marriages god forbid these two have a happy, loving life together. People do stay together forever you just have to find it. It's sad to think people ridicule him for being emotional. The damn man's wife is missing, he's allowed to cry. The fact is, real men love fiercely.

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