Prosecutor Rob Wood fired back at the defense’s closing argument with a powerful rebuttal Thursday before the jury was sent off to decide “doomsday cult” mom Lori Vallow Daybell’s fate. “She IS a killer,” Wood said after hammering Daybell for all the lies she told surrounding her children’s deaths. Wood focused on specific pieces of direct and circumstantial evidence linking Lori to the killings of J.J. Vallow and Tylee Ryan. Daybell is also accused of conspiring to murder “prophet” Chad Daybell’s late wife, Tammy Daybell.
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I'm glad she got what she got.
I think Lori actively participated in the death of JJ.
No brainier guilty now ROT
Lori Is psychopathy Lori do not care anyting only her whatever benefits For love life with Chad she kill even Own kids For New husband CHad!!
Wonder if they killed the dog and cat too
She probably even killed Tylee’s dad Joseph Ryan. Who knows how much crap she got away with until now. Next up is to get some justice for Chad. It’s clear that Lori had her brother kill him. She set it up. Maybe also get justice for any other one of her ex husbands she’s killed.
Very powerful closing by the prosecution. I really don't know how the prosecutor were able to have their emotions in check delivering this, I would probably be even more emotional similar to Summer's. Listening to this after I've heard the verdict.
I’m suing
I think Lori got her wacko-mumbo-jumbo "religious" "identity" wrong – she is in fact a modern day version of Lilith – The woman banished by God and who later became a demon that steals and eats babies in the darkness. Spawn of Satan.
May Our Lord Jesus Christ Comfort each n every family member
Great job Rob Wood!
Alex had a brain of a sixteen yr. Old due to a car accident did he manage to kill tylee alone…no way…
U must convict her before she kills someone else…she married so many times…when did she start killing for money…
U got it covered prosecutor
Like the old saying goes, every child deserves a mother but not every mother deserves a child.
Both of them should be executed
Serial killer
The poor Children! I can't imagine what Tylee and JJ were thinking as they knew they were going to die and be tortured as they struggled to get free while thinking Oh my God this can't be happening to us, somebody help us, God Mother Why? Lori you are Guilty and Chad, your turn is coming. The most despicable Crime I think i have ever seen. 😢 praying for these Children to get justice!
Any "innocent woman" would not look at autopsy photos of her dead children, and show no.emotion. An "innocent woman" would not be in Hawaii when her children are missing. An "innocent woman" would not send texts like the ones she sent. These are obviously just a few of the many examples that do not make her look like an "innocent woman" She is a complete nut job and needs locked up for life, in general population. Lori, your beauty queen days are over. Embrace your new role as a human punching bag for the female inmates that already resent you for this crime and are ready to serve justice of their own
She is a killer. No question in my mind. Her flirtatious, cheery behavior with Arizona police after the murder, by her brother, of Charles Vallow, – as her kids sat in the car (and he was JJ's father!) – that was the turning point for me. I knew she was a killer.
WOW, she is one DANGEROUS woman.
Chad let the little head talk for the big head!!
The disgust in his voice is palpable. He probably couldn’t stop thinking about what those kids had been through.
Pull me by the storm And I will follow you anywhere definitely Lori the head honcho in this whole situation starting from the time she started reading his books and went to his church. He didn’t read her books and go to her church. Prosecution team so much. Thanks for putting so much energy into helping the jury truly understand Lori’s diseased mind.😢
After following this case for so long you can forget what it’s really about. After hearing this I’m just heartbroken and angry. How can someone do that? Why is walking away just not an option? I guess because there is no money in walking away. Thank God they were stopped before more people died because I guarantee they weren’t finished. I pray that she hasn’t manipulated the jury and spends the rest of her life in prison.
She is evil as a mum thought killing ur own kids is sick my 27 brother died 11yrs ago I still cry over him she is monster
Ballif, Gas can and matches, STAT!!!
Evil minds.
What a despicable human being. In my mind i believe she is guilty and CD and brother AC did her bidding.
I also think the niece MB AND so-called friend MG were aware of all the goings on and the conspiracies. How are they both going to continue in the LDS religion knowing how dishonest and connivving they have been.
God forbid that they allow any more podcasts from this relgious sect. They should all be shut down forthwith. These are evil evil people.
Beautiful children they didnt deserve this physchopath for a mother … she sniggers a laughs about every situation. 😢😢 i think shes the one possessed. RiP little angels 😢😢
That was well said. I 💯 pc. Tx. Listened from the beginning of this case. Tx once again. Regards SA 🇿🇦 be safe everyone
The executions of the kids deaths were so unnecessarily brutal. If she wanted to get away with it, could’ve planned some other ruse. “Oh he had a seizure oh she was poisoned,” but no, the amount of pure hatred and anger she had toward her kids to mutilate them and throw them out in the back is insane.
i hope shes convicted! dont make the same mistake as with casey anthony!!
Her hair on the duct tape should be enough. Put that on top of everything else and it’s done. Lock this woman up. She does not deserve to be in the free world ever again.
Just listening to the lawyer speaking is overwhelming ,I can't imagine the last few minutes of these kids, how they suffered until their last breath. They both deserve the death penalty.
She deserves the death penalty
can you imagine the trail of dead bodies she left behind? starting with Charles, her kids, Tammy, almost Melanie's husband, her brother (not that he didn't deserve it) and what about her other husband? if they fish him out could be they find that he also was murdered.
I do not understand this prosecutor…she was there when they were killed.I would hammer home the hair found on that duct tape.He seems to be building a case for conspiracy,not murder
I wonder if Lori is trying to get money for a book or movie?
Really good closing from the prosecution there like 👍
So many people would have taken those kids and raise them and nurture them and love them and protected them the selfishness of these people that did these evil Deeds is beyond any compassionate understanding this is the very reason we have the death penalty what are the wages of sin is death to spill innocent blood is death
The selfishness is disgusting
So, basically she did for money. She really is a monster.
Btw…. excellent closing argument!
I think the Death Penalty is to good for her. I believe life behind bars for the rest of her life without interactions from Chad will be appropriate for her. I still wonder will she realize her errors.
She's a sick killer ,wraped j j in tape left her hair on it , burn in prison..
The blind shall lead the blind and they will all fall in the ditch! Lori and Chad will face the wrath of God! Most definitely!! Those beautiful children were full of life and light!! Lori And Chad sucked the life out of them. They are of a demonic cult Period!!They are the dark ones!!This is such a sick , sad and most disturbing story !!!