Crime Watch Daily and KCPQ’s Brandi Kruse investigate the problem of sexual predators in Seattle, Washington.
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Crime Watch Daily and KCPQ’s Brandi Kruse investigate the problem of sexual predators in Seattle, Washington.
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Thank you!!! 🙏🏼
Bryson condotta is not from edmonds nor Lynnwood
916 7th Street, San Fernando ca, 91340 are two or three pacoima male gang members who say profanities towards children, women, people and Victims of Crimes and law enforcement and military personnel USA. They yell that they hate San Fernando City even though they live in San Fernando City., at times it seems that they are beating up their children or wife’s? They could be on alcohol and drugs as well? And they could be targeting Victims of Crimes like me because I have law enforcement and military family USA & people like me. But they do yell profanities towards children, women and people walking by at times!
Bring back TCAP 👊
Every time I mention or voice my voice that I’m against child predators and racist officers Tom McConnell a security sheriff officer at antelope Valley college in Lancaster California gets highly offended. Besides other racist officers, racist sheriffs and other perpetrators. He also called deputies on me because I was talking about my ordeals and injustices. This happened at 43819 lively Ave, Lancaster Ca, 93536 …. I still visit my sister and brother in-law Tom McConnell. And ask myself why at times. Tom McConnell likes to insult, threaten and intimidate Victims of Crimes. Tom McConnell likes to smirk insults or taunt or belittle victims and he’s wife at times. Tom McConnell acts like a gang member saying words gang members use from white supremacy, kkk or wood peckers or Aryan brotherhood Irish white red dragon leader klan. Hopefully Tom McConnell doesn’t use the explosives he stole from the army according to him towards victims of crimes or children or people.
That school bus driver is special needs himself.
Sick fuck
Sadly predators aren't strong enough to be scared. They are allowed to be creeps
Disgusting 🤢🤮I went to that same school a year before that happened and saw the teacher Condotta every day before my history class when he was leaving
Kids shouldn’t have phones it’s not an accessory it’s a luxury
He drove the bus to see her, idk if he's ballsy or just stupid,either way good riddance
All these predators is white men
But I committed my first felony I was 8 years old
Mental child sickie
Most of the child sex predators in your area can be found in your local antifa group.
…did Chris just say "flesh hunters?"
Bring this series back, but investifate all the p3do school teachers
I love that this capture program is a thing but I do kinda hate that they make people super fearful of technology. I’m not saying that these stings need to stop. I’m just saying that there are lines in the sand and they have to be known.
theres a serious parenting problem going on here-wtf!!!!
Doesn't Seattle protect and support MAPs now?
We need Chris Hansen again
Pathetic how a grown man can do these things to children. They must get heavier sentences. idiots the lot of them
Chris Hansen: why are you?
Bus Driver: To pick up a student to drop off.
I'll never understand how there's literally women of legal age that'll f*** you because you have an iPhone or because your car is blue, but someone will look for someone underage 🤦🏾♂️
3:24 I’m fuckin losin it at “he knows first-hand the demand for sex with children” as it zooms in on his face. (I know he’s with WSP but out of context it’s hilarious)
I just wonder how guilty some of these people are versus how much they were entrapped..
I’m curious about their mental health care given to those involved in these stings because to deal with this level of depravity is insane
I was 7. The guy was my foster parent. Sick fuks the lot of them, they need castrating
sick! 🤢
We need to determine why a person is attracted to children in the first place. As I understand it the vast majority of predators were abused themselves by someone in their life. It is a sad situation all around but we must stop the predation any way we can. If we stop the predation now there will not be victims to become more predators. The predators ask the police where the hell were you when I was being abused?
He’s driving kids but no one is mentioning it’s special needs kids that are even an easier target and they might not be able to tell anyone because of cognitive disabilities. This guy is absolute creep who likely got that job to target these kids. Terrifying
Not my city 🤦🏽♀️
Is there really justice for the children out on bond slap on hand they don't go to prison
Seattle probably has a pedo epidemic because the city government is very sympathetic to them.
Let’s start from Hollywood and show business first
Homeschool is the answer
Chris Hanson not a journalist. All he does he read transcripts.. And question that any person would ask. He just a fraud. If he wants to do real journalism go report corruption in the government and shaming the BLM ams liberals etc
These sting's make the cops the predator and criminals. Pure scumbags. All of them.