‘School Shooters Ruined That Sh*t’: Ohio High-Schooler Caught with Gun on School Campus

‘School Shooters Ruined That Sh*t’: Ohio High-Schooler Caught with Gun on School Campus

An 18-year-old Ohio high school student was found with a rifle and bullets stored in his car. Nolan Rosen was suspected of having a firearm after a bullet was found in the cafeteria. Police responded to the school and worked with the administration to decide Rosen’s punishment. He was suspended for 10 days and was later arrested on charges of possessing a deadly weapon in a school safety zone. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie gives the details.

Read more on this story: https://bit.ly/3pbhnDK

Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie

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32 thoughts on “‘School Shooters Ruined That Sh*t’: Ohio High-Schooler Caught with Gun on School Campus

  1. He needs help … the way the officer talked to him was very calming and understanding because we assume these kids are bad ,but don’t really know what issues they are going through and adress rather than paint a bad picture.

  2. Guys used to bring guns to school all the time when I was in highschool. If you looked in the parking lot at Peninsula High School you would find 3 or 4 guns hanging int he back window of trucks. Some shotguns some hunting rifles and some BB guns. The point was nobody feared them or thought it was weird.

  3. If there is a law that would be applicable in disallowing an adult from having a gun in their own vehicle while in a school parking lot, then that law would have to be a violation of the 4th amendment. The only way anyone could know its there is either if the person admitted to it, or if someone went into the car to look and for a cop to do that would be certainly against the 4th amendment… Simply calling a school a "safe zone" does not make the school safe. Shooters will still bring a gun and shoot up the school. Those words are not magical. Disallowing LAW ABIDING citizens from having a gun within a reasonable distance (though still not in the school) makes the school less safe… Do not believe anyone when they tell you that cops are there to prevent shootings. They aren't. They are there to respond to shootings after its already happened. Even if a cop is already on the scene, they will not do anything to stop the shooter unless they have backup… Except for when the kid (actually adult but kid by comparison to me) started talking about how some guns should be illegal in his opinion, I was on his side through this entire video… In the end, someone needs to tell this student DONT TALK TO COPS…

  4. This guy should not own a rifle.
    He keeps debating the police(especially around 30 minutes into the video). He talks about videos where someone brandishes their weapon when threatened. I'll bet he debates the pricipal and administators.

  5. As a gun owner, it is what it is. School is a no go zone. It is a law. That includes the parking lot and sometimes a certain yardage from the door depending on state.

    If he truly had no idea it was not okay to have a firearm and bullets on school property, he was not ready to be a gun owner.

  6. That admin was 100% valid for making that 18 year old junior joke… if this kid was really a responsible gun owner, they would’ve never found the bullet in the cafeteria in the first place, much less in his possession… I bet he was bragging to his friends about how he brought a rifle to school and was showing them the bullet. This is exactly why they should bump up the age to legally purchase a firearm because this is how 18 year old “adults” carry themselves…

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