School cop canned for arresting 6-year-olds; Boy drives hours to meet app hookup – TCDPOD

School cop canned for arresting 6-year-olds; Boy drives hours to meet app hookup – TCDPOD

In this week’s podcast, an 11-year-old boy drives his brother’s car 200 miles to live with a man he met on Snapchat in South Carolina (5:40). A school resource officer is fired after arresting two 6-year-old schoolchildren in Orlando (12:18). A family finds out their dream home is contaminated after the pregnant wife tests positive for amphetamine in Missouri (18:56). And an Army medic takes a plea deal in a love-triangle murder in Honolulu (25:10). With guest Amanda Lamb.

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43 thoughts on “School cop canned for arresting 6-year-olds; Boy drives hours to meet app hookup – TCDPOD

  1. How is this woman an expert? How is she a journalist? What publication does she work for. I am not impressed. She must be a blogger… That is not a journalist…

    So, now everyone with a microphone and knows how to upload a video to YouTube, is now a journalist… This does not seem like a Crime Watch daily show. I have to admit, I am confused….

  2. Considering the smoker looked like a homeless man that was probably the best thing to happen to him, at least if any legal help gets him what he should settlement wise.

  3. I love the movie my cousin Vinny! I don’t even like to drive.. hell no 3 hours 200 miles to meet someone I don’t know! If anything the adult male shouldn’t be lazy and make the kid come to them.. if you really want them! He almost said “Michael Jack…(son)” lmfao!

  4. I have a friend who has been battling abuse of police power within the schools for almost a decade, since her autistic son was taken into custody, held for hours, and the family notified BY MAIL, sent at the end of the day. The child, who was maybe 11 at the time, may also have been sexuality assaulted while in custody. And the records, which my friend had requested repeatedly, have been withheld due to "privacy concerns" concerning her own child! I favor discipline and control in the schools, within reason, though clearly each case is unique, and some boundaries were broken regardless of the situation. The two six year old "criminals" in Florida are absolutely further examples that we need to handle children differently than we would adults.

  5. Once again mans own creation which is technology is the biggest tool or weapon destroying mankind not surprising at all because we know they come with big risk no matter how helpful they are

  6. His badge needs to be taken, The parents of these children need to sue this officer for defamation of character and he should also pay for the MUCH needed therapy for these children 💯 Disgusting

  7. "The theatre of it"…. that means the fabrication and falsification of cases to exploit individuals involved. I was a victim of theatrical journalism.

  8. Another thing that is scary is the fact that these "children" dont act like children and have access to sooo much technology information and messaging apps. Sometimes I'm afraid to have children in this crazy world. This 11 kid stole a car and drove 3 hours to another city…wtf.

  9. I don't see what's wrong with "arresting" young children if you release them to the parents. It's a great opportunity to teach them the gravity of their actions. The experience will likely stay with them into adulthood.

  10. Men and woman if you are not happy with your spouse then LEAVE them. I just don't get how people think that killing your spouse is a reason to get out of your marriage or relationship. No excuse to kill bc of payout of money. He shouldn't be able to plea put that is premeditated. Giving your lover the keys to your home what do you expect? Fry both of them for murdering this innocent wife. Bring back the old days that once you're convicted they take you out back and kill you, or for stealing, your hand cut off etc. Then the rest of the world knows what kind of person you are. It saves innocent lives from being destroyed after these scumbags serve their time and get out.

  11. How scary and sad about the mom coming positive for meth. Thank God they were able to prove that it was not them and that they found resources to get the help to prove and find where the meth was coming from. I agree meth homes should be bulldozed down to nothing. Too many risks to hurt people. People shouldn't have to ask if there were crimes/drugs, etc about homes.

  12. Perfect reason why Facebook had an age restriction. Sadly kids know how to put a year that allows them to get an account.
    Another thing is kids before the age of 15 or 16 don't need cellphones. Parents need to be paying attention to what your kids are doing. You need to be monitoring what their kids are doing when it comes to any electronics.
    We are letting our kids grow up way too fast.
    Look at how many kids are given a tablet because parents need them entertained for whatever their reasons.
    Just saw a mom call out their 12yo girl for having IG account on her cell. Well then why do you give their kids these electronics?

    As far as these 6yos, these kids learn this behavior from the home. Parent needs to be held accountable to a certain point on certain occasions. If my child acted like that at 6yo he would of gotten an a** whooping. Parents fear disciplining their kids anymore for fear of child abuse. Granted there are kids that a spanking then you need to find what your kids want and take it away from them for a good amount of time.
    I found that my son's playstation was his weakness. I would take it away for as a month when needed.
    But all behaviors start at home. And disciplining starts at home.

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