Real estate agent Sid Cranston Jr.’s body was found buried on a large property in Kingman, Arizona. His friend Al Blanco has been indicted for the murder. Blanco allegedly walked into a store to sell two rings, both of which were believed to be Cranston Jr.’s jewelry.
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Al Blonco?
So what happens? Do they get the man or men responsible for killing this guy's brother?
soo…. 1 min of new information? pretty cheap, TCD.
Old asshole, he must have 200 years in prison, 😡😡😡😡😡😡
Chris you need to calm down and behave more in control if you want to be taken seriously. Your emotional behavior is getting you in trouble and you look like a teenage girl having a tantrum. (Like Saturn's ring's comment, who has no self control when commenting). Let the professionals handle it if you can't have any self control. No one denies that you have every right to be pissed off and angry and concerned but you are not helping to get Al convicted if you explode when you see him. It would have been better if you allowed the crime watch nerd go by himself to confront Al.
Justice has better prevail in this case.. it's men like Al Blanco that think they are above the law and that they can actually get away with murder
I love this reporter hes by far the best one
this interviewer is so irritating… where is chris hansen??? lol
Water board.
Holy shit!!!! So glad that he was caught! His brother helped!
Al Blanco and his "criminal complaint": It's called DIVERSION. He wants the spotlight OFF of him and pointed at SOMEBODY ELSE.
damn Chris is a real nigga said fuck that im willing to go to jail if its for my brother he trying to find answers i feel him 100% on this i feel the same way and damn chris playing no games he said this not shocking we all knew he did it about damn time LMAO
Blanco remained silent
I feel so so sorry for the brother you could hear the desperation in he's voice 😔😔😔😔I hope they find justice for him
Suicide by cop.
that door slam gets me every time
Fuck living in that town
Al Bwanco
Of course he's not saying anything he killed him. Most murders don't givr themselves up
Disorderly conduct for yelling hahahaha OKAY. U have nothing on this poor brother.
I understand with these laws and everythg, but SOME DON'T MIND GOING TO JAIL FOR THEIR FAMILY >IT'S NOT LIKE IT'S THE RELATIVE LAWS AND OFFICER'S FAMILY FOR REAL- EVEN THO SOME PPL N THESE POSITIONS DO; BUT THE LOVE OF FAMILY IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!.💯✌C the old guy is tricky and seems if anythg the old guy lifted his arms a bit possibly assaultg himself!!
About time. Blanco is a straight coward. Good riddens 🤗
Al blanco is clearly the murderer and an absolute coward!!!
Seems like crime watch could have a few harassment charges against them for always going to the people's homes
These parts keep going in circles. What's going on?