Real estate agent Sid Cranston Jr.’s body was found buried on a large property in Kingman, Arizona. His friend Al Blanco has been indicted for the murder. Blanco allegedly walked into a store to sell two rings, both of which were believed to be Cranston Jr.’s jewelry.
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Al Blonco?
Everyone needs a brother like this! ❤
“Keep your friends close & your enemy’s closer”. How unfortunate that Syd never knew the difference. My condolences to the family who never should have been put through all of this. Al is just pure evil. RIP now Syd!
Al Blanco is now serving life in prison for Sid’s murder, so at least Sid and his family have finally received justice.
Man watching the brother is soooooo Fucking heartbreaking you can honestly FEEL how much he is hurting from this
R.I.P sad story glad he gets a proper Resting place sending my 🙏 to the family….
hahahahahah damn they rolled up on the boy like yea we about that life crime watch and Chris about to dig in that ass then they call the cops on them wowwwww lol
omg! 3:57 "I enveloped his love"!
the way that was said.
Has Al Blanco been collecting all the rent and other money. Al’s so dirty but the land owner must no something. No reason to not let them search. Al Blanco will get his in prison.
just saying, going onto someone’s property might get you killed. especially if you have cameras. If you were to come up to me and do that; you better believe ima kill you
bullshit "innocent people don't run" two cars full of people follow me from one house to another, run up with cameras shouting and getting way too far into my personal space after they've been asked to leave im running too. not saying he's innocent but the way these people pursue interviews is obnoxious and violating, then they feign surprise when a door gets slammed in their face
Jeff Cave committed suicide by cop shortly after.