‘Purpose for Evil’: Antifreeze Killer Mark Jensen Locked Up For Life Without Parole in Wife’s Murder

‘Purpose for Evil’: Antifreeze Killer Mark Jensen Locked Up For Life Without Parole in Wife’s Murder

Mark Jensen was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole by Judge Anthony Milisauskas. Jensen was convicted of poisoning his wife, Julie, with antifreeze in 1998. “It was intentional. It was researched with a purpose for evil,” Milisauskas said.

#MarkJensen #AntifreezeKiller #LawAndCrime

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48 thoughts on “‘Purpose for Evil’: Antifreeze Killer Mark Jensen Locked Up For Life Without Parole in Wife’s Murder

  1. WOW that judge is absolutely correct and you can tell that awful crime got to him! And you know he has seen many vicious things! I love how the judge points out that the grown children do not have both parents because of this defendant! The judge nailed it!!

  2. Judge;…"I sentence you to life in prison without the possibility of parole."
    Jensen's lawyer nods in agreement.
    Mark Jensen;…"This whole thing is so dang irritating. What gives, anyway?"

  3. 05:55 "penis pictures" Intriguing to say the least. This judge was very thorough and remembered everything about the case…with a quant air of disgust! Murderers deserve nothing but a place in perdition.

  4. What an absolute narcissist. The defence talked about him not being a risk to the community. There is absolutely no chance that he’s safe to release. Women everywhere are at risk from him. Women and their families should they stop him getting what he wants. Disgusting man.
    RIP Julie. You are the focus and what we should remember. The judge did a great job, I think, of focusing on her. She had no rights – he gave her none. Why are his rights the focus now, especially after two attempts to lie his way out of justice and one attempt to get rid of a witness. What a complete fool.

  5. I think what she did was wrong. And she should pay for her wrong doings. but not her life and not making her suffer the way she did. I know he suffered knowing what she did. but that ain't no excuse to take another life. He prolly thought she would take his kids and he would pay child support for her wrong doings. But still it was her life he ended and now he has to pay with his in prison.

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