Public’s Help Sought in Search for Missing Michigan Woman – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Public’s Help Sought in Search for Missing Michigan Woman – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

She left work one winter evening and was never seen again. Farmington Hills, Michigan police say Danielle Stislicki was a crime victim. But what kind of crime, they’re still not sure.

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22 thoughts on “Public’s Help Sought in Search for Missing Michigan Woman – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Through some pages I read flyod was fimilair with his family's highland park church. All trash at that time went to the incinerator. It has now closed . So my feeling is they will never find her. So sad and Heartbreaking. First of all to kill her. Then to never have the family find her. He's pure evil .

  2. A convicted sex offender has been charged with the murder of a woman who is presumed dead after disappearing in 2016.
    Floyd Russell Galloway Jr, 32, was charged with first-degree murder of 28-year-old Danielle Stislicki

  3. How can people be sooo evil? I mean it's obvious she was kidnapped for reasons that can't be good. My heart goes out to the parents, I can't even imagine what they're going through. God bless

  4. I worked there, it sucked they paid dick. Heavy black area those broads do nothing all , lazy, get paid comparing weaves until I ratted lazy assets out, smoke break every 10 min. Hope they are dead with cancer since MetLife insurance does not pay for chemo

  5. If Federal Agencies are now involved….something is up. Usually the FBI doesn't get involved unless asked, crime committed involving State lines or Federal land or it's of Federal interest. The DEA and Secret Service is involved? Secret Service provided security detail for POTUS or visiting dignitaries? Strange. $120,000 is a lot of money for a "small town girl" and a middle class family.

  6. Very sad story. It's be 2 years (around 2 years)since she went missing. I haven't seen any updates to her being found alive or dead. But with the time frame I don't think it's good. Praying for justice for her and her family and friends #FindDani

  7. The wife or that security guy killed her its all there so obvious im not an investigator but i can see what went on .. They need a pair of new eyes to this case … I hope this guys says where they hid her body …Rip 💐💐💐

  8. She's from my hometown of Farmington! This is such an unfortunate and odd case 🙁 when I visited home from college there were missing posters everywhere. It's eerie seeing that we both lived in the same apartment complex. And that some predator is lurking about

  9. I grew up in Farmington Hills…the apartments she lived in and were last seen at is known as a high crime area…I am unfortunately expecting the worst…

  10. lock up the pot smokers. let the degenerates out. open season on the vulnerable. the elderly, young, anyone. it's time for stopping the stupid war on drugs. lock up the insane. liberal bs…gone.

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