Pt. 5: Little Girl Vanishes After Babysitter Found Dead in Fire – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 5: Little Girl Vanishes After Babysitter Found Dead in Fire – Crime Watch Daily

A mobile home is set on fire and the body of a single mother is recovered in the wreckage, but the 5-year-old girl she was babysitting is nowhere to be found, dead or alive. Who killed Melissa Norby, and did her killer have anything to do with 5-year-old Brittany’s disappearance? Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona investigates.

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40 thoughts on “Pt. 5: Little Girl Vanishes After Babysitter Found Dead in Fire – Crime Watch Daily

  1. These situations are part of the reason I REFUSE to leave my children with anyone. Unless i KNOW IN MY HEART THEY WOULD PUT MY CHILD AND THEIR WELLBEING BEFORE THEMSELVES. Honestly there's not many people that would do that not even grandparents these days.(I'm not saying all grandparents, family members or friends are like this.) I am simply saying that I dont trust hardly anyone. It's stories like this that keep reminding me NOT TO!

    I feel bad for the 10 year old son and I PRAY he was never used as one of his moms sick fantasies. Hopefully he was and is still being helped.

    What on earth are people thinking when they do this type of thing?

  2. Bless those wonderful detectives! Such spot on work!!! And what a brave brave little girl! 52 years is just not long enough for that monster. And the world did not need Melissa she failed that little girl and caused the whole thing imo.

  3. I’m sure I watched this on Netflix or Prime in a series of crimes… was this story and another story where a foster daughter stopped her foster mum like 178 times and had a relationship with the foster dad? My wife and I can’t find it anywhere….any ideas? Tia

  4. Watching this makes me want to break down. I can't imagine doing this to a child. Or anyone for that matter. But especially a child. This entire thing is sickening.

  5. Why cant these sick bastards can leave little girls alone I mean go have sex with adults wtf ur ruining someones childhood for your creepy sex fantaies its going on so much in this world kids cant even play alone anymore kids are so innocent leave them alone you creepy bastards..evert child molester should be In jail for life or death penalty they taking thats kids life away by raping them so same should happen to them there life also should be over

  6. I can't believe how long those officers just stood there talking to the little girl instead of getting her the hell out of the place where she's been tramatized, the first thing I would have done was get her the hell out of that environment!

  7. I cannot stop crying. When that little girl start talking. I was so much happy. Happy is not the word I don't know how her mother felt. But boy I felt like I found billion dollar. Cause I always girls. Cause I myself have two girls. May The Good GOD bless that child.

  8. women.. PLEASE STOP leaving your children with others!! the idea of "stranger danger" is a FARCE.. statistics show children are abused.. raped and abducted by family members.. friends and associates.. STOP providing pedos access to children FFS!!

    and.. noooooooooooooo.. this isn't victim blaming.. this 5 part episode should be a cautionary tale.. STOP GIVING YOUR CHILDREN TO PEOPLE YOU "TRUST" because OBVIOUSLY you can't trust those whom you believe you can..

    this mother said that the women setting up the abduction.. rape AND torture of her own daughter was her BEST FRIEND OF THIRTY YEARS!!!

    do NOT trust people that ASK to spend time with your children!!! its NOT because they "love" them!! this means uncle Charlie.. mom's new boyfriend AND your "best" friends!!!!

  9. As one episode of Crime watch.

    You want to believe the best in people, see your friends not be evil?

    I’d say that was evil planning a kidnapping. Are you kidding me

    I have no empathy for her I am glad he killed her. Because she started that with him she chose to dats a guy to have her kidnap her best friends child.

    If I planned to do that to someone, I’d be happy he or she killed me it is less embarrassing then facing my best friend in court all the harsh words from my friends and family. Yeah I’d want to be dead.

    I’m also not that stupid to do something like that. So there

  10. I would’ve loved for the detectives to have had that camper full of SWAT Officers with Rifles, and let that sick MF drive back up there. That way when he opened the door expecting to see the little girl, He instead is looking down the barrels of loaded weapons. How’s that for a surprise… Great Detective work!!! So happy those guys found that sweet little girl… ❤️❤️❤️

  11. I watched thousands of crime videos, this one made me tear up even more than Casey Anothony's or Chris Watts' case, the video where they were talking to her, and her showing them she's taped broke my heart to the max.

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