Pt. 4- Louisiana Serial Killer Targeted, Mutilated Women – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 4- Louisiana Serial Killer Targeted, Mutilated Women – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A string of murders in Louisiana had authorities baffled and horrified: Someone was responsible for killing, mutilating, and raping women, leaving what was left of their bodies to be found by terrified passersby. Who did this? Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia has the story on these brutal Louisiana killings.


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46 thoughts on “Pt. 4- Louisiana Serial Killer Targeted, Mutilated Women – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. I cringed when he said he took a shower with one of the victims while she was dead and the way he was talking about his mother 🤮 he’s very sick 🤢 smh those poor women 💔

  2. If he said sorry honey bunny the first time why did she act shocked when they said he admitted it? Standing by a man that never married or touched her is so sad. I hope she finds someone that doesn't take advantage of her naive thinking, and loves her. I'm glad she got away from that

  3. Terry is strange she seems to calm I would freak the eff out ya know! Nope she lived with him nine years no sex cause that's wrong well unless your dead! Who body shivered.

  4. He's a narcissist…he has the Madonna Who*re complex. His family did something major weird to this guy….he actually hates women, but loves their parts. HE would love all the attention….I bet he was waiting for it.

  5. For a guy who is claimed to be intelligent by the reporters he’s not so intelligent admitting to everything most killers would lie or not say much. This guy is extremely weird. Hope he gets the death sentence!

  6. Accused killer…no, admitted serial killer. I like these exposes but the way they're done is absolutely lowest common denominator. The only shocking thing about this is the number of victims…yes, I don't believe there are only 5. He was far too organized and quick with his victims. Ted Bundy is far worse than this guy and it took him many tries to hone his vile craft.

    My years of experience in the criminal psychology and criminal justice field has taught me that these guys like to keep things for themselves. Most killers of this caliber love to relive their crimes. Even at deaths door hours before Bundy's execution he did an interview. You can watch him relish his thoughts as he is being interviewed. Furthermore, they love control and will do anything just to get people listening to them.

  7. I can't imagine what it mustve been going through these womens head to be saying "why are you doing this?!?!" only to hear back "I'm killing you…" Good god the horror, fear and suffering before the end. This guy is disgusting.

  8. This guy is very bundy-esque… seems like a guy you’d wanna have a beer with… it’s very interesting to think what can go that drastically wrong before the age of 10… this may be one of the most cold blooded serial killers ever… this man is as sick as they come… talkin about going to bed with his dead mom was shocking

  9. Wow dissecting women in the home,showering with a dead body,painting nails on a severed hands.If I lived in that home I would crawl out of my skin.She lived in that home.Whats scarier is that he looks normal.

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