Pt. 2: Woman’s Bathtub Death Raises Suspicions – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 2: Woman’s Bathtub Death Raises Suspicions – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

How did a local politician’s wife really die? Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia explores the death of Lee-Ann Shannon.

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24 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Woman’s Bathtub Death Raises Suspicions – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. What a dumb stupid and assholes whoever either husband or wife killed your spouse it’s not worthy to kill. Your still going to jail if you wanna divorce your spouse because your sick of each other. Just split up go in separate ways while divorce is processing? Instead of killing them. It’s no point.

  2. الله يرحمها ويغفر لها و يسكنها الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بفضل الله و رحمته و مغفرته و جوده و كرمه سبحانه

  3. Movie of the week indeed. The devoted wife, dorky, insecure, spineless husband, trailer park trash nanny. Suspicious congregation, but no one not even the pastor attempts to intervene. Meanwhile the father is vidcating for knowing his son is a POS, & is rewriting his will. Tim gets out, marries the psycho nanny whose now in her late 30s, they hire a nanny for their kids, & 1 yr later Tim's back in prison.

  4. Living proof that Morton's roam this earth🙄 and most men will have a steak at home & prefer hamburger..throw a dime away & replace it with a penny🤦 she's not even a penny🤣🤣🤣

  5. You wanted to smack her at time!!? This is a woman that took YOU into her home even after people told her it was a bad idea and you have an affair with her husband!!!?? You and Tim are disgusting human beings!!!! Bless Lee Ann’s heart!! Jamie and Tim should be soooo ashamed of themselves!!

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