Pt. 2: Teen Vanishes After Sneaking Out Of Window – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 2: Teen Vanishes After Sneaking Out Of Window – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

It’s every parent’s worst nightmare: On a dark Florida night, 14-year-old Wendy Hudakoc vanishes from her bedroom and never returns. Crime Watch Daily’s Melissa McCarty has the story.

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37 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Teen Vanishes After Sneaking Out Of Window – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Hope it was fun and worth it…. Silly silly girl! I used to do stuff like that, it’s such a terrible gamble with your life! Girls. Kids. DONT DO IT!

  2. Wendy and her sister was a lucky girls, lucky kids, to have such a loving and caring stepfather.😊May God bless him for being such a good stepfather to this two beautiful girls.🙏🏼I pray they see her alive soon.😒Sending our prayers👏🏼from this side India.🇮🇳😔

  3. As teenagers we think man our parents don’t let us do anything we can’t go anywhere our parents are controlling but they are trying to protect us from this crazy world. Sneaking out is never safe especially at night

  4. I remember when we were 15 my best friend was dating this married 32 year old man. We were all so jealous of the stuff he bought her. Now im like "woah we were hanging out with a pedophile 😬"

  5. I just wanna say that it seems to be confusing everyone in the comments as to why everyone in the video looks so old, well this happen almost 20 years ago and I’m sure they don’t have old pics of the suspects and so on.. so they use their recent pics thus why they looked aged ..bc they are. They were 20 and 17 TWENTY years ago.

  6. What the fuck is a 20yr old doing calling & inviting a 14yr old girl to a party, & he also has a history of being with underage girls; & is good friends with a pedophile! That right there tells you all you need to know! I hope this girl is home & brought back to her family, I personally hope she is alive but i think someone Ron killer her! So i hope her body is brought home, so her family can lay her to rest, grieve properly, & actually find out what happened to her!

  7. He was 20?. He looks minimum 30. I am the other way around every single person thinks I am maximum 25, when in fact I am 41 and I still get asked for ID to buy alcohol or cigarettes. One time I got pulled over and the cop was 100% convinced that my ID was fake, they actually arrested me to run my fingerprints and finally after few hours they found out it was truly me. LOL

  8. I remember the guys i used to sneak out with. They were older too. Thank God i was never murdered. These poor parents. Teach your kids folks. Love them. Let them have some freedom but teach them to be wise.

  9. if Ron ass is 20 yrs old 👀🤔.. then my ass is 20 also! 👀🤔.. somebody is lying dammit and about more than just his age. ..uummmmmmm ?? Johnny is 17??!! Damn! these teens live hard lives huh?! YIKES!

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