Pt. 2: Mom, Little Girl Killed After Child Support Mandate – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 2: Mom, Little Girl Killed After Child Support Mandate – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A woman and her 2-year-old are gunned down in front of the woman’s aunt’s home, all because of a mandate for $600 in child support payments. Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona investigates the tragic deaths of Neshante Davis and her little girl Chloe.

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43 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Mom, Little Girl Killed After Child Support Mandate – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Ask… ASK… not “AXE” you low IQ mouth breathing. Just un evolved morons 😅 shouldn’t even be allowed to have kids when you’re this stupid

  2. Geezus…"blown out of her carseat". Seems like her sister had a brier lapse of memory when she only referred to her sister of being deceased and the reporter had to say and Chloe too.

    Why didn't he want to accept it? Was he married? Like I don't get it.. yall wanna run up in people raw but don't want to take care of your kids. Ladies stop letting these mfers nut in you. That conversation should've been had about marriage and kids but no.. hopping in bed and don't even know one another's last name.

  3. heart breaking 💔 he didnt have to shoot the baby.. i have a little chloe too❤ who in the world takes a gun to a 2yo baby.. thats dispicable

  4. This man is evil and full off hate. Now on the other hand, if a man is telling you to take him off child support, and if he’s not accepting the child, just take him off, take your child and go. These men are crazy and cold hearted and you never know which man will be this violent. It ain’t worth it.

  5. Your body your choice over 12 different way of contraceptive use it instead of bringing another fatherless child into this world so selfish, did you even think of the live you are creating for that child, dont you think that child should be in a 2 parent home. You said you didnt know he was married but not your business you are completely damaged god help that child if they take your mentality

  6. In most places, you can only forgive children support debt once. He had to have known that, yet still had her do it so early on. Like he was trying to just buy time. He had been planning this. No even halfway decent person could murder a child in cold blood, much less their own flesh and blood.

  7. 1000% the governments fault!!! Forcing men to pay child support is the equivalent of the Taliban forcing women to hide there beauty in public!!! Why attack the best 2 things that attracts men and women to one another. 🤔

  8. If a man doesn’t want kids it’s his responsibility, to as it would be for any other functioning adult, take the steps to ensure that’s not a reality. And if I’d does become one then you have to live with that. This goes for women too. This happens to women as well. Not all women with children wanted to be mothers, some women will have baby regardless of it they want it or not because of the stigma of abortion. So there’s kinda no excuse for killing a child cause you were “forced” to be a parent.

  9. If you can kill an adult you can kill a child 😟people who go to that point (killing when it’s not for self defense) are not picky it’s happened enough on this earth that sadly it’s not a surprising thing just extremely abhorrent

  10. This what happen when u force a baby on a man that DONT WANT U OR YOUR BABY… Y'all women keep playing… Better love yourself and hold your own self down and be self sufficient like myself. Get the ring not a baby and a wet azz… Better wake up

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