Pt. 2: Man Wrongfully Convicted Of Mother-In-Law’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Pt. 2: Man Wrongfully Convicted Of Mother-In-Law’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

Clarence Elkins was accused of rape and murder, but ultimately proved his innocence after being imprisoned.

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23 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Man Wrongfully Convicted Of Mother-In-Law’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen

  1. Crazy how this episode completely disregarded his wife’s steadfast commitment to justice for her husband. She is the real reason why he is a free man now, she obtained all the DNA samples AND she was the reason for the cigarette butt to obtain Earl Manns DNA, she did all of this on her own as if she was a professional private investigator! Incredible smart woman. She deserves all the praise, not him.

  2. How do they make a documentary making Clarence the heroe yet this guy was rotting in jail without any hope while his now former wife did everything for seven good years,,, kinda biased to make him the heroe of the story but I guess the doc makers are only about money that's all

  3. Prosecutors are power wolves exploiting their supremacy! Total lack of apathy seeking others with prying minds! They don’t seek any truth it’s all about winning! Even after this man proved the evidence that he was innocent the prosecutor still would not accept it! … And justice for all! Not in America 🇺🇸

  4. After Clarence Elkins went to prison, Dawson (his wife at the time) took it upon herself to prove his innocence, an effort that took seven years! And she found the monster that killed her mother and raped her niece! What was this video about? This video sounds so pre-paid and omits the truth. More, why Earl Man girlfriend was never charged for avoidance to help a child, who was victimized, leaving her stranded and bloodied on a porch for an hour and possibly hiding evidence?

  5. TONIA BRASIEL … The rapist/murderer's girlfriend – who left the naked 6yo girl on the doorstep for 45 minutes, while she forged a plan with the real rapist/murderer – was TONIA BRASIEL who is on Facebook and Instagram and was never charged by the incompetent and corrupt prosecutors Moreen O’Connor ( now chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court) and Michael Carroll.

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