Pt. 2: Little Girl Vanishes After Babysitter Found Dead in Fire – Crime Watch Daily

Pt. 2: Little Girl Vanishes After Babysitter Found Dead in Fire – Crime Watch Daily

A mobile home is set on fire and the body of a single mother is recovered in the wreckage, but the 5-year-old girl she was babysitting is nowhere to be found, dead or alive. Who killed Melissa Norby, and did her killer have anything to do with 5-year-old Brittany’s disappearance? Crime Watch Daily’s Michelle Sigona investigates.

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20 thoughts on “Pt. 2: Little Girl Vanishes After Babysitter Found Dead in Fire – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Daddy and little girl!!? Really!!? That’s sick!!! And she put not only her son, her best friend’s daughter in danger!! Sick!!! But why is no one wearing coats and standing outside while it’s snowing!!?

  2. I feel like the mom was selling her daughter to the friend/babysitter. You just don’t let your young child sleepover with random adults. And then for her to have had that daddy/daughter fetish bullshit. People are feeding these sex offenders their children. Don’t be fooled

  3. Completely devastating. Now, I’m a mum, and I oils never give an interview about something like this and be so nonchalant. It makes me wonder a little which I know isn’t fair. Idk, maybe I’m way off.

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