Pt. 2- Boy With Autism Describes Mom’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 2- Boy With Autism Describes Mom’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

A beautiful young mom is among several savagely slaughtered by a monster who turned her family’s home into a house of horrors. The sole survivor: her terrified little boy with autism. Who would do this to a family, and can her son identify the killer? Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia has the story.


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20 thoughts on “Pt. 2- Boy With Autism Describes Mom’s Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Just because your dating doesn't mean, you own her, coward 😒😒😒😒and even if she's your wife, it's doesn't give you any right to take her life,no matter what the person did, no-one does

  2. 1:26 "leaving the unemployed Adam at home babysitting Tristan" NO. Babysitting is when you watch SOMEONE ELSE'S kids! If you're at home with your own kids, it's called PARENTING. You cannot babysit your own children

  3. Stop victim blaming. This young lady met a cute guy they dated. Things got hot and heavy yes she got pregnant but she saw her son as a blessing. Plus she had a great family. I'm sure some of us would have ended up the same way if we were honest. Stop os this is tragic and I wonder how the beautiful baby boy Tristan is doing and the family?

  4. Hell no i wouldnt keep a damn dead beat crap head in my house for my daughters sake, but for my daughters sake i would kick the prick out to the curb!! Wish the parents would have put their foot down right from the very start 🙁

  5. I am not condoming of he has done to her he should leave her alone and not hurt her anymore but on the other hand she was far too stupid to be with him. I'm sorry that was her own fault.

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