Pt. 1: Young Woman’s Suicide Called Into Question – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 1: Young Woman’s Suicide Called Into Question – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

17-year-old Kayla Skeen shelled out her hard-earned money to finance her controlling adult boyfriend’s life. Years later, she was found dead of an apparent suicide, but her family isn’t so sure she took her own life. Jason Mattera has the story.

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30 thoughts on “Pt. 1: Young Woman’s Suicide Called Into Question – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. This poor girl, now her mother said” she paid his was because she felt bad “ no no she loved him wanted to change and fix him. He’s a pimp
    Why did her mother allow this guy to move in? Why to keep her daughter close? It wasn’t going to end well very sad

  2. It’s really sad! I wasn’t even allowed to see men at that age let along dating or bringing men to my parents house. Gessss it’s sad man cuz these young kids be dumb for love. I started dating when I was 22 and am glad my parents was that hard on me and waited that long. Just saddd😒😒😒

  3. There's no fixing or saving these idiots. Girls need to accept that what you see is what you get & if they continue to pursue a bad relationship, then in the end they'll be broken to the point of losing their lives

  4. Sorry but she found a loser and kept him. End of story.
    Never keep trash, trash will just hold you back.
    Also shame on the mother for not only letting her own daughter keep trash but to allow her to bring in trash. Smh. Bad decision. Bad parenting. What a shame.

  5. If a 23 year old dead beat leech with no job, no motivation, no desire to take care of himself, and no self control, tried to come around and date me when I was 17, the one getting chased with a baseball bat, would’ve been him. ESPECIALLY had he turned controlling and abusive.

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