How did a local politician’s wife really die? Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia explores the death of Lee-Ann Shannon.
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How did a local politician’s wife really die? Crime Watch Daily’s Ana Garcia explores the death of Lee-Ann Shannon.
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People need to understand affluential doesn't mean happiness and a good marriage.
My nanny will be 65 and up. Thank you very much.
Rip Lee-Anne
She may of committed suicide
Uhh ohh Jamie's trouble. Jim's smashing that
Never hire a nanny unless you’re a major babe and the nanny’s unattractive and frumpy even then rolling the dice 🎲
so Fpos Trash Jamie will be doing Conjugal vists for 75years…assuming Ahole Tim's husbands agree to sharing.
One UGLY Nanny
Hi Sterical
I know a lot of men and women who know their looks are going to fail in the next 10 years. This worry has caused a lot of people I know to get married to someone to soon. Example I knew a man who knew that by 30 he was going to go bald. He married a women about the same time he noticed the bald spot forming. He was never happy in the marriage and it ended soon.
This happen too much. A poor wife gained some weight and then a nanny moves in and becomes the new love interest for the male of the house. Later she is killed by the psychopath husband who thinks he deserved the hot new nanny.
The nanny is UGLY
To me, I think it was the pastor fault because , it’s complicated to explain but he had to ask the couple to take the nanny and the nanny cause the problem
Nanny and overweight wife who don’t look the same don’t end well …
if I was a girl id be a lesbian cus these men out here be tripping…
These wealthy prominent families are never good news.. they RUN these police departments which is why so many of them end up mysteriously losing a spouse. If they wouldn’t have called it a conflict of interest and called in another department they would have gotten away with this. Like some of them do, liiikkke the Thomas McIntosh case.
If only i get a dollar every time i hear a story that "she drowned in a bathtub"!
She should've listened to her mommy. Mommies, have solid experience behind them. Nevermind. Maybe somebody else will, when faced with a similar situation!
Bathtub drownings are automatically sketchy! An adult dying this way is just goofy. In my opinion, Homicide /suicide should be the default “manner of death.” If police want to call it an “accident,” it should have to be proven.