Pt. 1: Woman’s Affair With Boss Ends in Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

Pt. 1: Woman’s Affair With Boss Ends in Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

From a drug store parking lot on a night in March 2011 comes a frantic 911 call. A violent showdown between two men vying for the attention of a blonde named Kandi. Cops arrive to find the woman hysterical and two men shot.

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41 thoughts on “Pt. 1: Woman’s Affair With Boss Ends in Murder – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen

  1. Men should never fight over a female. You have to be very stupid to do so! You are better off single – dating them or marrying them only brings baggage and drama to your life that you can do without. This person was not only unfaithful to a person he made five kids with – but the wife of the other was a poor excuse for a female, an adultress, and a thief. Men – leave women alone – and for goodness sake – DON"T MARRY THEM. You want a nice life free of drama and foolishness – avoid females like the plague! You don't need them and they are not necessary.

  2. Oh no Mormons! No wonder this happened! If he was a true Christian he would of had a personal relationship with Christ and he would have loved his wife and never cheated! Yeah in Mormonisn there are NO personal relationships with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ because it's a fake religion created by Satan, just like the Muslim faith is! The ONLY way anyone from that religion sees Christ is if they are actively searching for the Lord and He comes to them to show them their way is not the way and tells them mormonism is wrong and to follow Him and not that blasphemous religion! Yeah he was no Christian at all!!!! He killed that man in cold blood and loved Candy more than Jesus Christ which is a sin all itself!! What a POS!!!!

  3. Candy is a POS and a whore. And trying to use that BS excuse, "well, my husband had an affair too." WTF ever!! And the announcer said Candy's marital issues started right about the time she started working for the guy she had the hots for. What a coincidence! She should be in jail too.

  4. Marrying or having babies by someone you’ve only known for a few months is never a good ideal. I know from experience and I never knew the other side of my daughters father. It was too late once I was pregnant and having a baby.

  5. People get bored wiith their life they cheat because it makes them excited and have fun. BUt the disaster is if there is a crime and death along with it. All my coworkers before are screwing each other even if they are married or with bf gf. But it's for fun they only switch if there is money involved but most of the time they are just having fun. It's grose though. The only time I see men moved on is if there is a better life. Like if the woman they are screwing has income and has better situation than their wife. But fi the wife has good life they don't leave them since it is stable financial security. No matter how good looking the woman is if there is no money they don't take it seriously. They just fool around but of course they don't leave the wife that has more money than them and if the wife is good with business they ain't going to leave. And sometimes they also cheat with non attractive woman, it's for fun and excitement. It can also be about family, some cannot leave because of family ties, if the wife has strong family they all have good financial background. MEn don't just leave, they still check the situation, they weight it first. They want stability and security but they still want some dessert outside that relationship. But not all men cheats, some are workaholic and some are into something else. There is a saying you always have competition with your man, if it is not a woman, it is his job, his friends, his hubbies, sports etc. or maybe even the vices. If all of the above is present than you need a divorce that's too much to handle.

  6. All day always an underestimate us🤣🤣🤣 We're still good looking and we have much more experience and conversation…HELLO!!! I mean I wouldn't ever do anything like that because I don't mess with married men at all, But there's a lot of women that will regardless of age.

  7. Like always, they always downgrade. Look at his beautiful wife Ashley and look at this thing that he picked up who he should have known had no values or morals, in other words was a low grade woman. You choose the behavior you choose to consequences. Using his marital problems to get into an affair is an excuse because I have had my marital problems and I have never cheated on my 43-year-old soon to be ex-husband. When you want to be faithful, that's exactly what you do even if he doesn't deserve it until you release yourself legally from him and then you look for the new partner. Let me be clear, when you look for a partner he also has to be totally available, no girlfriend no chick on the side no wife no nothing. Don't build your happiness on the pain of another woman!!! No excuse!

  8. I still don't understand why Emmet pursue this relationship with that old hag his wife's hot a/f & with 5 kids. Emmet wasn't so innocent either you mess with another man's wife then you want to confront them with your muscles..wrong move buddy boy.

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